Saturday 4 October 2014

South America Week!

Our theme this week was South America! We learned several Spanish phrases and prayed for those in South America who have still not heard about Jesus.  We also took a "trip" to Argentina and Brazil and learned some interesting facts about their food, land, and culture.  In Writing, we wrote a narrative story and continued to learn about editing and revising.  For Reading, we studied different strategies that good readers use to improve their reading.  We focused on Using Punctuation while reading and Stretching words that we are not sure how to read.  It has been wonderful to get to meet with each students individually and talk about their goals for their reading this year and how we can accomplish them.  In Math, we focused on subtraction and also on Frame-and-Arrow problems.   For Bible, we worked on learning the books of the Bible and learned about what took place between the Old and New Testament.  Next week, we will start learning about the life of Jesus.

Friday we also had a kick off assembly for Walkathon.  Some information was sent home with the students in their Friday folders about Walkathon.  Please be sure to look at that for all of that information.

Important Information for next week:

1. Spelling Words: grade, played, train, eight, faith, today, neighbor, gave, railway, praise, wave, weigh, enough, children

2. Bible Memory Verse: "She is going to have a son. You must give hime the name Jesus. That is because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21


Have a great and safe weekend! :)

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