Thursday, 15 February 2018

Friday News 2/16

This week was our Service Week! We got to be a part of the Kid's Club held on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday afternoon. We enjoyed learning about Jesus, playing games, making crafts, and singing songs!

Reading: This week we learned how to ask questions while reading. We read some funny books and asked questions with a partner and on our own.

Writing: This week we made goals on how we want to improve our letters.

Math: We have been focusing on money this week. We learned how to count pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters.

Bible: We finished our unit on Jesus's miracles. We learned about Jesus healing a blind man and bringing Lazarus back to life. On Friday we made puzzles showing what we learned about Jesus's power.

Kid City: This week we also starting learning about places in our community. We learned about a bank and how to deposit and withdraw money.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: spend, front, thumb, sending, triangle, climb, hung, strong, along, thank, trunk, bring, donkey, think, February, himself

2. Bible Verse: I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even if they die. John 11:25

3. There is no school on Monday.

4. Our Elementary Week of Reading will be from 2/26-3/2. Each day we will have a different activity to celebrate Reading!

Monday: Bring a stuffed animal
Tuesday: Character Parade - dress up like your favorite character! Be sure to bring the book to school with you too!
Wednesday: Wear a Hat or Sunglasses
Thursday: Wear a shirt with words on it
Friday: Pajama Day

Upcoming Dates:
2/19 - President's Day - No School
2/21 - Photo Retakes
2/26-3/2 - Week of Reading
2/28 - Progress Reports sent home
3/21 - Student-Led Conferences

Have a wonderful long weekend! :)

1 comment:

  1. Lovely post! Thanks!
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