Thursday, 1 February 2018

Friday News 1/29-2/1

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we learned about Cause and Effect. We played a cause and effect matching game with a partner and also identified cause and effect in some stories.

Writing: We began our Opinion Writing this week. We are writing letters about our favorite characters and parts of books to recommend them to others.

Math: This week we continued to practice our three-digit subtraction. Next week we will take our chapter test.

Bible: This week we learned about three more miracles of Jesus. We learned that Jesus has power over evil spirits, long-term diseases, and the wind and waves.

Phonics: Our phonics focus this week was contractions! We learned how to put two words together to form a contraction. Then we performed contraction surgery!

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: close, brave, through, place, crash, clothes, threw, glad, flash, ground, traffic, prize, strange, drive, seen, become

2. Memory Verse: I am like a gate. Anyone who enters through me will be saved. John 10:9

3. Report Cards were sent home today. Please sign the line that says 2nd Quarter and return the empty envelope to school.

4. Our Elementary Week of Reading will be from 2/26-3/2. Each day we will have a different activity to celebrate Reading!

Monday: Bring a stuffed animal
Tuesday: Character Parade - dress up like your favorite character! Be sure to bring the book to school with you too!
Wednesday: Wear a Hat or Sunglasses
Thursday: Wear a Shirt with words on it
Friday: Pajama Day

Upcoming Dates:
2/12-2/16: Service Week
2/19: President's Day - No School
2/21: Photo Retakes
2/26-3/2: Week of Reading
2/28: Progress Reports sent home
3/21: Student-Led Conferences

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

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