Reading/Writing: This week we learned the difference between a fact and an opinion. We also continued working on our letters. We learned how to write longer letters by planning what we will write across different pages.
Math: We continued learning about coins. We practiced counting coins and making change.
Bible: This week we started learning about parables, which are stories that teach us a lesson. We learned the parable of the four soils and of the wheat and weeds. We learned that people have different responses to hearing about Jesus, but our job is tell everyone about what Jesus has done.
Kid City: We learned about the hospital and the jobs of a doctor and nurse. We looked at some tools that a doctor uses and role-played going to the doctor to get medicine.
Important Information:
1. Spelling Words: raft, calf, built, golden, gulf, left, held, shelf, folktale, milk, building, drift, halfway, felt, once, Thursday
2. Memory Verse: Forgive one another, just as God forgave you because of what Christ has done. Ephesians 4:32
3. Our Elementary Week of Reading is NEXT WEEK!! Each day we will have a different activity to celebrate Reading!
Monday: Bring a stuffed animal
Tuesday: Character Parade - dress up like your favorite character! Be sure to bring the book to school with you too!
Wednesday: Wear a Hat or Sunglasses
Thursday: Wear a shirt with words on it
Friday: Pajama Day
Upcoming Dates:
2/26-3/2 - Week of Reading
2/28 - Progress Reports sent home
3/1 - Family Reading Night at 5 pm in the Cafeteria
3/21 - Student-Led Conferences
3/23 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to the Aquarium
3/30 - End of 3rd Quarter
3/31-4/8 - Spring Break
Have a great weekend! :)