Sunday, 25 January 2015

Field Trip!

We had a great short week and had a great time at the aquarium on Friday! This past week we focused on Cause and Effect in Reading and practiced identifying it in our reading.  In Math we finished up Unit 5 on Shapes and took our Unit Test.  For Writing, we had a chance to create a story with a partner and learn what it means to write together.  In Bible we learned about how Jesus healed a man with a king disease and a very sick servant.

We also had our classroom Spelling Bee this week.  Congratulations to our top three winners who will be moving on to the 1st and 2nd grade Spelling Bee in a few weeks!! I am very proud of all the hard work that was put in to studying for the Spelling Bee.  All the students did a wonderful job!

On Friday, we had a great day at the aquarium.  We were able to see the dolphin show and see a lot of very interesting animals inside.  I enjoyed hearing about the student's favorite animals that they saw when we got back.  Thank you to all the parents who came to help!

Important Announcements:

1. Our Spelling words for this week are: draw, saw, ought, pause, straw, paws, lawn, bought, August, caught, brought, taught, because, thought, sure, goes

2. Our Bible Memory Verse for this week is: They asked one another, "Who is this? He commands even the winds and the waves, and they obey him."  Luke 8:25b

3. Scholastic book orders were sent home last week.  There are two ways that you can order.  The first is online at with a credit card.  You can also send in the order form with US DOLLARS to me in the classroom.  The last day to order is February 2nd.  If you have any questions please email me.

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