Thursday, 29 January 2015

Bonjour from France!

This week we "traveled" to France and learned a little about French culture and food.  We also started our Ocean Animal Research Project.  Each student picked an ocean animal that they would like to study and we learned how to look for and classify information.  Today the students had their first opportunity to do their own research.  This will continue on into the next few weeks.  In Reading we focused on asking questions while reading.  We learned the 6 question words and practiced asking questions during our read alouds.  In Bible, we continued our study on miracles.  We learned about Jesus calming the storm, raising a widow's dead son, and healing a man who had evil spirits inside of him.  We learned that Jesus has power over death, evil spirits, and all the things that make us afraid.  For Math this week, we learned some new addition and subtraction strategies.  We also practiced making graphs based on our favorite foods.

Important Information for next week:

1. The last day for book orders is MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND.  Please see last week's post for the link if you would like to order online or you can send the money in dollars with your student.

2. This week we sent home Valentine Grams and Cake Order Forms for the Philippines Missions Trip.  If you would like to order either of these please send in the form and money with your student.  Both are due next week.

3. Bazaar forms were also sent home this week.  If you are able to help in any way please fill out the form and return it to me.

4. This Thursday we will have the 1st and 2nd grade Spelling Bee.  Good luck to our top three classroom winners who will compete!

5. For Spelling this week, we will be reviewing the last few lessons. Study sheets will go home on Monday.

6. The Bible Memory Verse for this week is: Then he said to her, "Dear woman, your faith has healed you. Go in peace."   Luke 8:48

Next week we will also welcome a new student to our classroom: Makana Kakazu!

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