Saturday, 27 April 2019

Friday News 4/22-4/26

We had a very exciting week in 2nd grade!

Reading: We learned about text features in nonfiction books. We learned how to use things like the Table of Contents, Index, Glossary, and Keywords to find information in nonfiction books.

Phonics: We focused on IR, ER, and UR words. We made superhero masks to remember that these three r combinations make the same sound.

Writing: We began our unit on writing like scientists. We learned some things that solids are made of. Then we used our new knowledge to build strong towers that would withstand wind. Each group made a hypothesis, built their tower, and then tested their tower on Friday.

Math: We continued learning how to measure in inches, feet, and yards. We practiced comparing different objects in length and estimating.

Bible: This week we learned about the Holy Spirit coming to the disciples. He gave them power to heal people and to not be afraid.

Important Information:
1. Spelling Words: for, bear, more, four, dear, hear, wore, earn, floor, wear, earth, share, heard, yearly, careless, doorbell, nothing, May

2. Memory Verse: And the Spirit doesn't make us weak and fearful. Instead, the Spirit gives us power and love. He helps us control ourselves. 2 Timothy 1:7

Upcoming Dates:
5/3 - No School
5/27 - Memorial Day No School
6/12 - Last Day of School - 12:30 dismissal

Have a great weekend! :)

Friday, 19 April 2019

Friday News 4/15-4/19

We had a great Kid City yesterday! Thank you to all the parents and volunteers who helped it run smoothly!

Here's a look at our week:

Phonics: This week we learned about AR and OR words. On Tuesday we went on a pirate treasure hunt to find AR words. On Wednesday we made s'mores to learn about OR words.

Math: We started our unit on measuring. We learned how to estimate and how to measure in inches and yards.

Bible: We learned about Jesus going back to Heaven. We also learned that he promised to send the Holy Spirit to His disciples and that He gave them the job of telling others about Him.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: word, were, turn, girls, verse, color, first, world, third, serve, purple, doctor, further, herself, birthday, Saturday, walked, April

2. Memory Verse: The Friend is the Holy Spirit. He will teach you all things. He will remind you everything I have said to you. John 14:26

Upcoming Dates:
5/3 - No School
5/27 - Memorial Day No School
6/12 - Last Day of School - 12:30 dismissal

Have a wonderful Easter weekend!