Friday, 3 November 2017

Friday News 11/3

We had a great Parent Teacher Conference today! I enjoyed getting to meet with all of you and talk about the progress that your student has made so far in 2nd grade!

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: We learned how to make predictions while reading a story. We learned to use the clues in the pictures and the words to make a guess about what is going to happen next.

Writing: We started our second unit on Poetry. This week we learned how to see things through the eyes of a poet. We looked at ordinary objects and wrote down what they made us think of.

Math: We started our unit on two-digit subtraction. We practiced borrowing from the tens to be able to subtract.

Bible: We learned about the angel visiting Zechariah to tell him that he was going to have a baby. We also learned about the angel visiting Mary to tell her that she was going to give birth to God's Son, Jesus and that He would save His people from their sins.

Social Studies: We took an "airplane ride" to Argentina! We learned about some interesting places, the food, and the people of Miss Guiles' home country.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: new, due, cute, blue, use, knew, unit, true, blew, flute, music, few, been, December

2. Memory Verse: I bring you good news of great joy. It is for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:10-11

3. Walkathon and Holiday Market are this next Saturday (Nov. 11). If you have any questions please let me know or contact the front office.

4. We have a new Scholastic Book Order! You can order online at or send in your order form and US DOLLARS to me. The last day to order books will be November 21st.

Upcoming Events:

11/11 - Walkathon
11/13 - No School
11/22-11/24 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No School
12/6 - Early Dismissal (12:30) and Christmas Program (6:00)
12/15 - Class Christmas Party and Early Dismissal (12:30)

Have a great weekend! :)

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