Friday, 13 May 2016

We kept very busy this week! We said good-bye to Leo on Thursday as he left for the summer. We also finished our Math unit and our Writing unit.

Here's a peek at our week:

Reading: This week we continued learning about how to compare and contrast stories. We read two different versions of the Billy Goats Gruff and compared and contrasted them as a class. Then we read two versions of Rapunzel and worked with a partner to find the similarities and the differences in the stories.

Writing: In Writing we finished our persuasive writing unit. The students finished their persuasive piece on the best super hero power and then presented them to the class. They had some great reasons for why their super hero power was the best and even convinced some of their classmates to change their mind! We also listened to a story about a boy with the dilemma of whether he should squish an ant or save an ant.  The students wrote a paragraph to try to convince the boy of what to do.

Math: For Math, we finished Unit 10 and took our Math test. The students did a great job of showing their knowledge of coins and how to use them to pay for items. We also began our last math unit which will be on multiplication and division.

Bible: In Bible we continued to learn about the Holy Spirit. We learned how the Holy Spirit gave Peter and John power to heal a man and to do what was right. We also learned about the Holy Spirit giving Stephen power and bravery to tell others about Jesus even though it led to his death.  From these stories we saw that the Holy Spirit can give us power to do what is right also.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: Next week will be a review week for Spelling. I will send home the list with the students on Monday.

2. Bible Memory Verse: "See what amazing love the Father has given us! Because of it, we are called children of God." 1 John 3:1

Important Dates Coming Up:

5/30 - Memorial Day - No School
6/8 - Last Day of School - Early Dismissal and Class Party

Have a great weekend!

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