Thursday, 11 February 2016

Happy Valentines Day!

Happy Valentines Day! We had fun celebrating Valentines Day today and getting to share treats with one another.  Here's a quick look at our week:

Reading: In Reading this week we continued talking about Author's Purpose. This week we learned about how authors write books to explain, give directions, or present information.  We looked at several social studies books, science books, and biographies to see what the author was trying to teach us.

For Spelling this week our focus was on contractions.  We learned how to make contractions and practiced by doing contraction surgery! Here are some pictures of our 2.1 "doctors":




Writing: This week we finished our Poetry Unit by writing a rhyming poem about an animal.  We first practiced finding rhyming words and then picked an animal to write about.

Math: In Math this week we finished Unit 7 and took our unit test.  Next week we will start our unit on fractions.

Bible: For Bible we continued studying the miracles of Jesus.  This week we learned about how Jesus knows our needs and takes care of us.  We studied the story of Jesus feeding 5000 men and their families and the story of Jesus walking on water.


Important Information:

1. There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday! Enjoy the long weekend! :)

2. Spelling Words: close, brave, through, place, crash, clothes, threw, glad, flash, ground, traffic, prize, strange, drive, seen, become

Due to next week being a short week, we will have these spelling words for two weeks.

3. Bible Memory Verse: "I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness. They will have that light. They will have life."  John 8:12

The test for this verse will be on 2/26.

4. Our 2nd grade field trip to the Aquarium will be next FRIDAY! Students will need to bring a cold home lunch with them to school on that day.  We will leave right at 8:30 and be arriving back at school around 2:00.  If you are planning on coming with us, please be sure to send in the 490 yen to me with your student before Friday.

5. Bazaar is coming up on March 5th.  This year we will be collecting money to purchase the materials needed to set up our Nachos and Popcorn booth.  If you have any questions please let me know or email Mrs. Frazier.

Have a blessed weekend!

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