Thursday, 14 January 2016

Spirit Week!

We had such a fun time this week celebrating our school spirit! On Monday we dressed up as characters from Noah's Ark and had Kite Day outside.  Here are some pictures from our day:

On Tuesday we had Career Day and Wednesday was our Character Parade! We had a lot of fun sharing our favorite books and characters with each other.  Here are some pictures of our awesome costumes!

Here's what our classroom time looked like:

Reading: In reading we focused on Characters.  We learned about how authors describe characters in both their outward appearance and their personality.  We were able to read several books and identify what we learned about the characters.

Writing: This week we started our poetry unit which will last for the next few weeks.  Our focus this week was on acrostic poems.  We learned to make a list about a topic and then choose which words we wanted to go into our acrostic.  On Wednesday we made an acrostic about 2nd grade all together. Then on Thursday and Friday we each wrote an acrostic about ourselves using our names.

Math: Our focus this week in Math was on subtraction. We practiced subtracting without borrowing and then learned how to borrow from the tens place.  On Thursday and Friday we continued to practice our subtraction with a subtraction sort where we had to identify which problems needed borrowing and which did not.

Bible: In Bible we continued to learn about the miracles of Jesus.  Our theme this week was that Jesus has power over sickness and disease.  We learned how Jesus healed a young boy with a fever who was 15 miles away and how Jesus healed a man with a skin disease.

Science: This week we switched to Science with Mr. Fox and started learning about coral reefs and ocean animals.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: This week we will not have any new spelling words as we will be having our class Spelling Bee. The Bee will take place on Wednesday.  The top three students from our class will be given the 1st-8th grade list to study for the 1st and 2nd grade Spelling Bee in February.

2. Bible Memory Verse: "He has removed our sins from us. He has removed them as far as the east is from the west." Psalm 103:12

3. There will be NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, JANUARY 18th.

4. The Bazaar is coming up in March! An information sheet was sent home with each student today in their Friday Folder.  On Friday, January 22 there will be an informational meeting after school where we will be given our booth for this year. If you have any questions please let me know.

5. Our 2nd grade Field Trip to the Aquarium is coming up on Friday, February 19th.  More information will be coming soon!

Have a wonderful weekend!

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