Saturday, 7 November 2015

Here's a snapshot of our week:

Reading: This week we worked on our fluency by paying attention to the punctuation in our reading. We learned about the main types of punctuation (period, exclamation point, and question mark). We also learned how each of these is supposed to sound when we read it.  The students enjoyed getting to practice their punctuation as a class and with partners.

Writing: We finished up our first procedural writing this week about how to make a pizza.  We learned how to list the materials needed and to think through all the steps in order to explain them.  I am excited to read all of the different ways to make pizza! :)

Science: Mr. Fox continued to teach us about simple machines this week in Science class!

Bible: In Bible we learned what it looks like to follow Jesus.  We learned how Jesus chose His followers and asked them to leave everything and follow Him.  Then we spent two days learning how Jesus wants us to live.  We learned that Jesus wants us to trust Him, tell others about Him, forgive, do good, love others, not be proud, be nice, and keep our promises.

Math: In Math we learned several models to help us with addition.  We also practice reading thermometers.  On Thursday we learned how to round numbers to the nearest ten.  We will continue working on this next week as well as learning how to do two digit addition.

Important Information:

1. Spelling: This week we will be reviewing the last five lessons. A review sheet will be sent home on Monday.

2. Bible Memory Verse: "But here is what I tell you. Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you." Matthew 5:44

3. WALKATHON will be next Saturday!! If you would like to sign up please do so as soon as possible.  I hope to see a lot of you there for a fun day! :)

4. There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday, November 16th

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