Friday, 22 May 2015

It was nice to finally have a full week of school and we were able to use the days to get a lot of things done!  In Spelling this week we had a review lesson and the students did very well with remembering what they have learned.  In Reading we finished learning how to Compare and Contrast Stories.  This week we read two versions of Cinderella and two versions of Hansel and Gretel.  The students then had to tell me what was the same and what was different between the two versions.

For Writing, we continued with our Fractured Fairy Tales.  We spent time revising, editing, and reflecting on each other's stories.  Today we started our final copy which we will continue to work on next week.  We are very excited to illustrate and publish our last major writing assignment of 2nd grade! Today we also put together our Poem Books that we worked on last month.  Please take some time to look through your child's book and see their amazing creativity!

In Bible we learned about the coming of the Holy Spirit and how He gave the disciples bravery and power to do amazing things.  We also started learning some of the jobs that the Holy Spirit does.  This week we learned that the Holy Spirit teaches us, reminds us of the things that Jesus taught, and helps us know right from wrong.  Next week we will learn more about the Holy Spirit as we continue our study through the book of Acts in the Bible.  For Math we learned about Place Value and Parentheses.  Today we also took our Unit 10 Test.

Important Information:

1. There will be NO SCHOOL this coming Monday.  Enjoy the long weekend!

2. Spelling Words for next week: unable, unlock, untie, unpack, reread, remind, rewrite, reuse, softly, slowly, quickly, suddenly, joyful, careful, truthful, beautiful, during, better

3. Bible Memory Verse: "And the Spirit doesn't make us weak and fearful. Instead, the Spirit gives us power and love. He helps us control ourselves." 2 Timothy 1:7

4. Next week will be our last Library time so please make sure that your child brings their books with them on Wednesday so we can take our last AR Tests.

5. Book Orders were sent in today and should be coming soon!

Have a restful and fun weekend! :)

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