Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and happy end of the 2nd quarter!! Thank you students for all the hard work you have put in these first two quarters and thank you parents for all the support you have given your students and me!

A few important announcement for over Christmas Break:

1. We will be having the Spelling Bee in January.  We will first have a class Spelling Bee and the top three students from our class bee will go on to the 1st and 2nd grade Bee.  Here are the Spelling words to study:

yarn, jokes, gray, verb, wildcat, print, gross, snail, farmer, draw, neck, pear, torch, zebra, until, homes, planet, rally, dragon, clover, queen, kickstand, bloom, stump, ladybug, oily, mitten, loud, haven, nobody, baseball, mower, idea, rubber, fixed, toast, envy, swipe, derby, mantle, quart, angry, beach, owed, dance, banjo, cheery, friend, crayon, ouch, well-to-do, visit, blink, months, snide, campus, power, indigo, zipper, along, inhale, solid, timber, dentist, trendy, daydream, protect, heavy, paddle, bogus, screech, gather, force, carrot, tantrum, lobster, eleven, comb, haunt, window, parlor, seaweed, danger, uncle, growl, talent, middle, together, hedge, value, botch, circle, judge, raisin, gemstone, famous, dodge, high, spaceship, island

2. School will resume on TUESDAY, JANUARY 6TH.

3. KITE DAY will take place on MONDAY, JANUARY 12TH.  Please purchase a kite for your student during Christmas Break.

4. CHARACTER PARADE will take place on FRIDAY, JANUARY 16TH.  More information will be available after break.

Thank you again for a wonderful 1st semester! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and an enjoyable break as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!  :)

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