Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Merry Christmas!!

Merry Christmas and happy end of the 2nd quarter!! Thank you students for all the hard work you have put in these first two quarters and thank you parents for all the support you have given your students and me!

A few important announcement for over Christmas Break:

1. We will be having the Spelling Bee in January.  We will first have a class Spelling Bee and the top three students from our class bee will go on to the 1st and 2nd grade Bee.  Here are the Spelling words to study:

yarn, jokes, gray, verb, wildcat, print, gross, snail, farmer, draw, neck, pear, torch, zebra, until, homes, planet, rally, dragon, clover, queen, kickstand, bloom, stump, ladybug, oily, mitten, loud, haven, nobody, baseball, mower, idea, rubber, fixed, toast, envy, swipe, derby, mantle, quart, angry, beach, owed, dance, banjo, cheery, friend, crayon, ouch, well-to-do, visit, blink, months, snide, campus, power, indigo, zipper, along, inhale, solid, timber, dentist, trendy, daydream, protect, heavy, paddle, bogus, screech, gather, force, carrot, tantrum, lobster, eleven, comb, haunt, window, parlor, seaweed, danger, uncle, growl, talent, middle, together, hedge, value, botch, circle, judge, raisin, gemstone, famous, dodge, high, spaceship, island

2. School will resume on TUESDAY, JANUARY 6TH.

3. KITE DAY will take place on MONDAY, JANUARY 12TH.  Please purchase a kite for your student during Christmas Break.

4. CHARACTER PARADE will take place on FRIDAY, JANUARY 16TH.  More information will be available after break.

Thank you again for a wonderful 1st semester! I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and an enjoyable break as we celebrate the birth of Jesus!  :)

Sunday, 14 December 2014

Last Week of School!

We have reached our last week of school before Christmas Break!! We have many fun activities planned for this week in celebration of Christmas!

Some important announcements for this week:

1. There will be no Spelling Test or Bible Memory Verse Test this week.

2. We will have our Christmas Party this THURSDAY! Parents are invited to come in at 10:15 and join us for some fun Christmas activities and lunch as a class.  School will dismiss at 12:30pm on Thursday for the Christmas Holiday.

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Christmas Program!

What a wonderful Christmas Program on Friday night! The students did an amazing job of singing and dancing! It was great to see the results of all of our hard work this past month.  I hope that it was as enjoyable for all of you as it was for me! :)

This past week in Reading we focused on making predictions about the books we were reading.  We also continued to study addition strategies in Math. In Bible, we talked about prayer.  We talked about people that we could pray for and how we can tell God everything that is going on in our lives.

Important Information for next week:

1. Spelling Words: preacher, lunch, church, while, which, match, watch, chosen, where, pitcher, child, what, reach, when, something, write

2. Bible Memory Verse: "The Word became a human being. He made His home with us. We have seen His glory. It is the glory of the one and only Son." John 1:14a

3. There are only a few more weeks before Christmas Break! There will be no school on Friday, December 19th.

Saturday, 29 November 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope you all had a wonderful break from school! We enjoyed a great Harvest Day last Tuesday and also enjoyed Pie Day! Thank you to the parents who came in to help and all those who donated a pie for us to enjoy!  The students rotated between the four 1st and 2nd grade classrooms and did different activities.  They learned about the Pilgrims journey to America and thought about what they would take with them if they had to make a long journey.  They also made bracelets that helped to tell the story of the first Thanksgiving.  In another classroom, they played some Thanksgiving inspired games and they also got to make turkey puppets! We had a great day celebrating together!

Important Information:

1. Our annual Christmas Program is this FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5th.  School will dismiss at 12:10pm on Friday and then we will come back for the Christmas Program that night.

2. Permission Slips for Christmas Program Practice were sent home last week.  Please sign and return them no later than Tuesday.

3. Our Spelling words for this week are: that, wash, with, then, both, cloth, thick, shine, wish, brush, shoes, polish, there, should, would, across

4. Our Bible Memory Verse for this week: Don't worry about anything. Instead, tell God about everything. Ask and pray. Give thanks to him.   Philippians 4:6

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Welcome, Tiana!

It was wonderful to see many of you at the Walkathon this past weekend! It was the perfect weekend to be outside and enjoy God's beautiful creation! I hope you enjoyed the extra long weekend as well!

This week has been a busy one in 2.1.  In Reading, we continued to work on making Inferences during our reading.  In Writing we did a fun writing activity together.  The students enjoyed getting to add on to their friends' stories and see how their story changed as others added their ideas.  We also wrote a story as if we were Pilgrims traveling to a new land.  The student had to pick what five things they would take with them if they were leaving for a new land.  In Math, we continued to work on Addition Strategies and started learning about Ballpark Estimates.  For Bible, we finished our discussion of the Sermon on the Mount and learned how God wants us to behave towards others.  We also learned that it is important to always give thanks to God.

This week has also been full of Christmas Program practice as we get ready for our program on December 5th.  We also welcomed a new student to our class this week, Tiana Miranda.  We have had a good week of getting to know one another and relearning our routines.  On Thursday, we also had our Ice Cream Party for being the winners of the Elementary Division of the Walkathon Door Decorating Contest!! The students did a wonderful job of decorating our door and we had a fun time celebrating our hard work with Ice Cream!!

Important Information for next week:

1. Scholastic Book Orders were due TODAY. If you would still like to order, please do so online tonight.

2. Tomorrow is the PTF Holiday Market from 10am-2pm.

3. Next TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH we will have Harvest Day.  Information was sent home in Friday Folders today.  If you would like to come in and help, please send me an email.

4. Next TUESDAY is also Pie Day!! Fliers were sent home with some students who expressed interest in bringing a pie.  If you receive a slip and would like to contribute a pie please return the slip to me on Monday.  If you did not get one and would like to contribute a pie, please email me and I will let you know if there is a need.

5. Next week we will have Thanksgiving Break from WEDNESDAY, NOV 26TH - FRIDAY, NOV 28TH.  There will be no school on these three days.

6. Due to the shortened week, there will be no spelling words or Bible Memory Verse next week. Enjoy the week off!! :)

Have a blessed weekend!!

Thursday, 13 November 2014

We had a busy week in 2.1! In Reading class we worked on making inferences.  We started with sentences and then moved to making inferences from books.  It was a lot of fun to be detectives and search for clues as to what the author was trying to say! For writing, we finished up our unit on Procedural Writing and made a How To book.  The students had a good time writing and illustrating their books.  For Math, we continued to talk about addition strategies and also discussed temperature in both Fahrenheit and Celsius.  In Bible, we continued our discussion about the Sermon on the Mount.  We learned that Jesus wants us to love everyone, even those who are not nice to us and that we are to pray for others.

Next week we will be gaining a new student in our class. We are very excited to welcome her to our classroom and show her how we do things here in 2.1 and at OCSI!

Important Information:

1. WALKATHON is TOMORROW!! I hope to see many of you there! Registration starts at 8:00 am and the Walkathon officially starts at 9:00 am.

2. There will be NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17TH.

3. Scholastic Book Orders are due next FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21ST.

4. On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH we will have our annual 1st and 2nd grade Harvest Day.

5. There will be NO SCHOOL on 11/26-11/8 for Thanksgiving Holiday.

6. Our Spelling words for next week are: rejoice, good-bye, point, cool, room, stood, toy, noise, football, enjoy, join, shook, coin, too, they, alike

7. Our Bible Memory Verse for next week is: "Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good. His faithful love continues forever."  1 Chronicles 16:34

Have a wonderful long weekend!

Thursday, 6 November 2014

Another great week in 2nd grade! Thank you to all who came this morning for the Parent Observation Time.  I hope that you were able to see a little bit of what our classroom is like and that you enjoyed your visit!

This week we started practicing for our Christmas Program in December so our classroom has been full of Christmas music! :)

In Reading this week, we focused on Chunking Sounds and Letters together to help us read words.  The students did a great job or breaking up their words into smaller parts and then putting them back together.  We have seen great improvement in our reading over these last few months! In Writing, we continued with Procedural Writing and the students got to choose what they would like to write about.  We discussed the importance of giving lots of details and being very specific to help our readers understand better.  In Math we had our Unit 3 Test and started Unit 4 which will focus more on strategies that can be used in addition and subtraction.  For Bible class, we talked about Jesus calling His disciples and what it means for us to be a disciple of Jesus today.  We also started our discussion of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and how it applies to our lives today.  Today we had the opportunity to "travel" to Egypt and the students had fun learning about both Ancient and Modern Egypt.

Important Information:

1. WALKATHON is next SATURDAY, NOVEMBER15th.  More information was sent home today for those who are walking.  If you would like to walk and haven't signed up yet, there is still time to do so.  Please send in the money to me with your student.

2. There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17th.

3. SCHOLASTIC BOOK ORDERS were sent home yesterday.  Please see the previous post for all the details and email me if you have any questions.

3. For SPELLING this week, we will review the previous 5 lessons. Study sheets will go home with each student on Monday.

4. Our Bible Verse for this week is: "You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbour. Hate your enemy.' But here is what I tell you. Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you." Matthew 5:43-44

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

November Scholastic Book Order

Scholastic Book Orders were sent home today.  If you would like to order some books please either go online to or send the order in with your student.  The last day to order will be FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21st.  Please be sure to send in the money in US DOLLARS only.

Thank you! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Hujambo from Kenya!

Hujambo (Hello) from Kenya! This week our theme was Africa and we got to take a trip through the beautiful country of Kenya!

We started the week with our Sweet Potato Digging Field Trip.  It was a beautiful day for it and we had lots of fun spending time together and digging in the dirt! In Reading we focused on Making Mental Pictures while reading to help us understand and remember the story better.  We had fun comparing our mental pictures to what the actual pictures in the book looked like. In Writing, we started procedural writing.  This week we wrote about how to make a pizza, and we were all very hungry by the end! :)

In Math, we focused on making change and on to making and interpreting graphs.  We also reviewed for our Unit Test next week.  In Bible, we learned about the baptism of Jesus and how He was tempted by Satan in the desert.  We learned that Jesus is the Son of God and that He is also God.  During our Bible time, we also discussed how we can respond to temptation just like Jesus did.

Important announcements for this week:

1. Next FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7th from 8:30-9:30 we will have a Parent Observation Time.  This is a time for parents to come in and observe our normal routines. Please be aware that the purpose of this observation is to view the students moving through their daily lessons and routines as naturally as possible. Therefore, please note that this is not a time for conference or to correct or provide assistance to the students during instruction or independent work. I look forward to seeing you on Friday if possible! Please let me know if you have any questions.

2. WALKATHON is only a few weeks away and sign up will be ending soon!  If you are in need of another permission slip please let me know and I will send a new one home with your student.

3. Our Spelling words for this week are: new, due, cute, blue, use, knew, unit, true, blew, flute, music, few, been, December

4. Our Bible Memory Verse for this week: "Come. Follow me," Jesus said. "I will make you fishers of people."   Matthew 4:19

Have a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Walkathon 2014

ワーカソン 11/15/14

The Walkathon is a school-wide activity at OCSI which promotes health, exercise, fun and funds.  It is a 20K walk/run from OCSI, to route 58, to Renaissance Hotel, to route 6 and back.  There will be FINISH LINE FESTIVAL with Bouncy Houses and games.  We hope your family can come and join us!

ワーカソンは学校全体が行う、健康と楽しみの日です。コースは学校から58号線に出て恩納村に向かって歩きルネッサンスホテルでUターン してから、県道6号線に沿って歩き続け学校に戻ってきます。総距離20キロ!


This year's OCSI walkathon will be dedicated to remodelling the Elementary Computer Lab for the students, and renovating the secondary Classrooms and Locker Bay Area for the High School Department.  In addition, funds received from the Walkathon will also provide funds for College Scholarships for graduating seniors.

  • There is a participation fee of ¥2000.  This includes the walk, insurance, and lunch.  But if you raise ¥5000 or more, this includes the walk, insurance, lunch, and the much awaited Walkathon T-shirt.  参加費は¥2000。それは保険、ランチ、と参加の分です。¥5000を集めたらワーカソンのシャツももらえます。
  • Classes that raise the highest average of money gets a pizza party!  (We hope it will be our class!)一番多くお金を集めたクラスはピザパーティーをもらいます。
  • K-2nd grade are highly encouraged to ride the bus half way and start at Renaissance Hotel then walk back to OCSI on route 6.  This will by much more enjoyable, since it is a long walk for little ones.  幼稚園児から2年生はOCSIからのバスをのりレネサンスホテルまで乗ってから歩く方がいいです。 
  • There will be checkpoints along the way and buses to pick up those who can't walk anymore.  Buses will not pick up any students/parents until checkpoint 8.  So be prepared to walk!歩きながら歩けないとなったらチェックポイントでバスにのれます。チェックポイント8まではバスは来ません。
  • All K-2nd grade MUST be accompanied by one parent/adult.  幼稚園児から2年生大人と歩かないといけません。
  • A "Finish-Line Festival" at OCSI campus with Bouncy castles and games!歩いた後学校へ戻ったらゲームとかジャンピングハウスもあります
  • You must be registered by Nov. 7th and raise ¥5,000 or more, to get a Walkathon T-shirt on time for the day of Walkathon. 11月7日までに¥5000をだしたら、ワーカソンのひにシャツがもらえます。
  • Please come to the school between 8:00-9:00am on the Walkathon day to finish your registration. ワーカソンの日に8:00から9:00の間についてください。
  • Prizes for all course walkers.歩き終わった人に賞があります。
  • Awards for the fastest finishers in each grade level.  If a Kindergarten student walks the entire course and finishes before any other Kindergartener, the award will go to that student.  But if no Kindergarten student walks the entire course, the award will go to the fastest student who completed half the course.  かくクラスごとに一番早い生徒はメダルがもらえます。
  • Anyone can participate!  Tell your friends and family!  They can register online, or call the school for more information.  誰でも参加できます。友達、家族、みんなを誘ってください!ネットでも登録できます、それか学校の方に電話をしてください。

Thursday, 23 October 2014

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Thank you to everyone who was able to come for Parent/Teacher Conferences today! I enjoyed getting to see all of you and discussing your student's progress and goals for next quarter!

This week we continued our study on Weather.  On Tuesday we were able to do a fun experiment where we learned how rain is made.  In Writing, we focused on the past tense.  We learned that when we start a story in the past, we need to keep the whole story in the past.  For Bible, we learned about the visit of the Wise Men and how Jesus was protected from those that wanted to hurt Him.  We studied how Jesus is King and because of that He deserves to be worshipped.  In Math, we continued to work on telling time, adding money, and using base-10 blocks to write numbers in different ways.  For Reading, we focused on making predictions about what would happen next in the story.  We had lots of fun making predictions and then seeing if we guessed correctly.

Important information for this next week:

1. On MONDAY morning we will have our Sweet Potato Digging Field Trip. Students should wear their Friendship Friday T-Shirt and bring a shovel.  They can also bring gardening gloves and a hat if they would like.

2. Walkathon is quickly approaching! If you or your student would like to participate please fill out the form that was sent home a few weeks ago and send it in to me.  If you have any questions or are in need of another form please let me know.

3. Our Spelling words for this week are: hold, those, hope, know, coat, spoke, over grown, froze, older, obey, goal, hundred, high

4. Our Bible Memory Verse for this week: And a voice came from heaven, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." Mark 1:11   

Saturday, 18 October 2014

End of 1st Quarter

Happy end of 1st Quarter!! It is hard to believe that we are a fourth of the way through this school year! We have definitely been learning a lot so far! This week in Reading we focused on Response to Literature.  We practiced writing a summary of stories and also focused on the characters. Mrs. Bezner then came in for a special read aloud on Thursday afternoon.  In Math, we finished Unit 2 on addition and subtraction with our Unit Test. Our theme for this week was Weather, so in writing we wrote about our favorite type of weather and described why we liked it.  For Bible, we looked at the story of Jesus' birth and the visit of the shepherds.  We learned about the Good News that the angels had to share which was that the Savior of the world had been born.

Some important announcements for this next week:

1. On OCTOBER 27th we will be having our annual K-3rd grade field trip to go sweet potato digging.  A permission slip was sent home with every student on Friday. Please sign and return it to me by this Wednesday. If you have any questions please feel free to email me.

2. This Friday OCTOBER 24th is Parent/Teacher Conferences. This will be a no school day for students. A paper was sent home with each student on Friday with the time scheduled for their conference.  Please return the signed portion of the paper to me by this Wednesday.  If there are any questions or if you would like to reschedule your conference please email me with a few days and times that would work for you.

3. Our Spelling words for this week are: easy, even, keep, team, zero, peace, breeze, these, teeth, leave, please, cheese, yours, upon

4. Our Bible Memory Verse for this week: "Where is the child who has been born to be king of the Jews? When we were in the east, we saw his star. Now we have come to worship him." Matthew 2:2

Friday, 10 October 2014

Bienvenidos a South America!

We had a great start to October in 2.1! Here is what we learned this week:

In Phonics we worked on Long A words and on making words.  In Reading, we learned to look for smaller words that we already know to help us know how to read big words.  We were also very excited to start Word Work in our Daily 5 time.  The students had lots of fun playing different word games with our Word Wall and Spelling words.  In Bible, we learned about the birth of Jesus and how He is the only one that is able to save us from our sins.  In Writing, we worked on personal narratives.  I am very excited to read what the students have written about their life!  For our Math time, we continued to work on Subtraction and Addition and learned some shortcuts to help us do harder problems.  For Social Studies, we continued our study of South America.  We even had a visitor from Colombia come in to share with us!  We have also learned many new Spanish words this week which has been a fun activity for us!

Some announcements for this upcoming week:

1. There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY, OCTOBER 13th.  Enjoy the extra day off! :)

2. Our Spelling Words for next week are: why, fire, wild, Bible, try, bright, mind, life, Friday, skylight, mild, kind, story, could

3. Our Bible Memory Verse for next week: "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy. It is for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you. He is Christ the Lord." Luke 2:10-11

3. We will be having our Unit 2 Math test on WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 15th.

Praying everyone has a safe and blessed weekend despite the bad weather!

Saturday, 4 October 2014

South America Week!

Our theme this week was South America! We learned several Spanish phrases and prayed for those in South America who have still not heard about Jesus.  We also took a "trip" to Argentina and Brazil and learned some interesting facts about their food, land, and culture.  In Writing, we wrote a narrative story and continued to learn about editing and revising.  For Reading, we studied different strategies that good readers use to improve their reading.  We focused on Using Punctuation while reading and Stretching words that we are not sure how to read.  It has been wonderful to get to meet with each students individually and talk about their goals for their reading this year and how we can accomplish them.  In Math, we focused on subtraction and also on Frame-and-Arrow problems.   For Bible, we worked on learning the books of the Bible and learned about what took place between the Old and New Testament.  Next week, we will start learning about the life of Jesus.

Friday we also had a kick off assembly for Walkathon.  Some information was sent home with the students in their Friday folders about Walkathon.  Please be sure to look at that for all of that information.

Important Information for next week:

1. Spelling Words: grade, played, train, eight, faith, today, neighbor, gave, railway, praise, wave, weigh, enough, children

2. Bible Memory Verse: "She is going to have a son. You must give hime the name Jesus. That is because he will save his people from their sins." Matthew 1:21


Have a great and safe weekend! :)

Thursday, 25 September 2014

Toguchi Beach!!

We had a great short, week in 2.1! We learned about Adjectives and how they make our writing more interesting for the reader.  We also started Reading to Someone and learned how to use different reading strategies to help us become better readers.  In Math, we learned patterns to help us be able to add bigger numbers.  We also started learning the books of the Bible and which go in the Old Testament and which go in the New Testament.

Today, we had a wonderful day at Toguchi Beach!! THANK YOU to all the parents who came out and joined us! The kids really enjoyed playing at the playground and then finding some fun sea creatures in the ocean! We were able to find crabs, sea cucumbers, sea stars, and many other fun animals.

A few updates for next week:

1. This MONDAY is picture day for our class.  If you would like to order pictures, please send the order form and money with your child on Monday.

2. For Spelling this week, we will be reviewing the words from the last five lessons.  They are:
    Lesson 1: ask, best, went, past, stamp, clap, next, ten, sent, band, funny, sister
    Lesson 2: must, puppy, under, contest, will, little, print, lost, block, this, spell, ever
    Lesson 3: hidden, grass, hill, stuff, hammer, bless, kitten, ribbon, pizza, cliff, two, Monday
    Lesson 4: smoke, quick, backpack, hike, clock, lake, strike, backstroke, check, ticket, friend, baseball
    Lesson 5: gym, city, circle, gone, age, centre, giant, space, garden, cycle, square, oval

3. Our Bible Memory Verse for this week is:
    "Instead, he takes delight in the law of the Lord. He thinks about his law day and night. He is like a tree that is planted near a stream of water. It always bears its fruit at the right time." Psalm 1:2-3

I hope you all have a blessed and restful weekend!

Friday, 19 September 2014

This week in 2nd grade:

In Reading, we continued Read to Self and also added Work on Writing.  The students did a wonderful job of reading and writing the whole time.  Next week we will be adding Read to Someone as one of our choices!  In Math we reviewed addition and looked for patterns that will help us add bigger numbers.  In Writing, we went through the writing process and learned how to revise, edit, and peer reflect on our writing.  Today we turned in our first final draft of writing and I can't wait to read them!  In Bible, we learned that even when we make mistakes and sin, God will forgive us if we ask Him too.  We studied how Israel turned away from God, but God continued to love them.

Some reminders for next week:

- There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY for students.  Have a wonderful long weekend!

- Next FRIDAY is our FIELD TRIP to Taguchi Beach! More information was sent home today in the Friday Folders.  All students need to bring a lunch from home and if they want to go into the water they must have water shoes.  We are excited to have this day to spend together and have fun exploring the wonderful world that God has created! I look forward to seeing many of you there!  If you have any questions please send me an email.

- PICTURE DAY is Monday, September 29th.  Order forms were sent home today in the Friday Folders.  If you would like to order, please send the completed form and money with your student on the 29th.

- Our Spelling words for next week:
      gym, city, circle, gone, age, center, giant, space, garden, cycle, square, oval

- For the next few weeks our Bible Memory Verses will come from Psalm 1 which our theme verse for this year.  This week we will be focusing on verse 1:
      "Blessed is the one who obeys the law of the Lord. He doesn't follow the advice of evil people. He doesn't make a habit of doing what sinners do. He doesn't join those who make fun of the Lord and his law."     Psalm 1:1

Friday, 12 September 2014

It was an exciting week in 2nd grade with many new things happening! In Reading we were able to reach our goal of 20 minutes of independent reading for three days in a row!! We are excited to add another aspect of reading next week for the first time.  In Writing we learned how to write a good beginning and ending to our stories and also about the writing process.  We reviewed the parts of a sentence and had lots of fun creating funny sentences.

In Bible we learned about King Saul and King David.  Through our memory verse, we learned that what God wants most of all from us is obedience to the commands that He has given us.  This week we also had our very first Math test! Next week we will be starting Unit 2.

The Spelling words for next week are:
smoke, quick, backpack, hike, clock, lake, strike, backstroke, check, ticket, friend, baseball

Our Bible Memory Verse for next week is:
"Lord, you are good. You are forgiving. You are full of love for all who call out to you." Psalm 86:5

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

It was another great week in the 2nd Grade! This week we continued to work on building our independent reading stamina and made it to 19 MINUTES! We are very proud of this accomplish and the steady progress we have been making every day.  In Bible we learned about how God is always with us and will help us if we ask Him so we do not need to be afraid of anything.  We also continued our Math review of number patterns, coins, and addition.  In Writing, we are learning about the different parts of a story.  This week we planned our character, setting, problem, and solution and next week we will work on putting it all together to make a story.

We also had our first Friday Store today.  The students have been collecting their money everyday and had the opportunity to spend it today for some fun classroom coupons.

Next week we will have our normal Spelling and Bible tests, but we will also have our first Math test over Unit 1. I will send home a review sheet as homework during the week and then we will have our test on Friday, September 12th.

Our Spelling words for this week are:
      hidden, grass, hill, stuff, hammer, bless, kitten, ribbon, pizza, cliff, two, Monday

Our Bible Memory Test for this week is:
     "What pleases the LORD more? Burnt offerings and sacrifices, or obeying him? It is better to obey than to offer a sacrifice."  1 Samuel 15:22

Thank you to all who turned in their Taguchi Beach permission slips! We are very excited for our field trip in a few weeks and to have many of you join us for that fun day! Also, thank you for turning in your Scholastic Book Orders.  The order will be placed soon and I will notify you when the books come in.

Friday, 29 August 2014

End of Week Two!!

We had a great 2nd week in the classroom and learned a lot of things! We worked on building our reading stamina and were able to get to 15 minutes of reading without getting up or talking to our neighbour.  We also worked on reading a clock and on counting up coin combinations.  In writing, we learned how to think of ideas using the things that happened throughout the day and wrote a story about something that happened this week.  We also learned in Bible that God always keeps His promises.  We saw how He kept His promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob even though the promise seemed impossible.

Some important reminders:

- There is no school next Monday due to a holiday.  

- If you would like to order Scholastic Books please do so by next Friday.  

- Coming up on September 26 we will be having a 1st and 2nd grade field trip to Toguchi Beach.  All parents are invited to join us for this opportunity to get to know each other while enjoying the beautiful outdoors together.  A flier will go home with each student on Tuesday.

Our Spelling words for this coming week are: 

must, puppy, under, contest, will, little, print, lost, block, this, spell, ever

Our Bible Memory verse for this coming week is:

I am the LORD your God. I take hold of your right hand. I say to you, 'Do not be afraid. I will help you.'     Isaiah 41:13

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Scholastic Book Orders for September

A Scholastic Book Order was sent home with each student yesterday. If you would like to order, you can do so online at:  or you can send in the order form and payment in US Dollars to me.  Please complete all orders before next Friday, September 5th.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Open House PowerPoint Presentation

If you were unable to attend Open House on Friday, here is the PowerPoint presentation with important information about our class and upcoming events this year.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Thank you to everyone who came to Open House on Friday! It was wonderful to meet all of you and share with you what we will be doing this year!

Last week we had a great time getting to know each other and the many procedures of Second Grade.  We had fun playing some team building games to show the importance of working together.  We also got to start our special classes, with P.E. on Thursday and Music and Japanese on Friday.

This week, we will be starting all of our subjects and also have all of our specials. Library will start on Thursday, so please be sure that your child has turned in their library form or they will not be able to check out any books.

Our Spelling list for this week:
     ask, best, went, past, stamp, clap, next, ten, sent, band, funny, sister

Our Bible Memory Verse:
     "God isn't a mere man. He can't lie. He isn't a human being. He doesn't change his mind. He speaks, and then he acts. He makes a promise, and then he keeps it."     Numbers 23:19

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

Happy First Day of 2nd Grade!

Today was a great start to the school year! I enjoyed getting to meet all of you students and learning a little more about you! I am very excited to see what this new school year will hold for us as we grow together!

Please remember that Open House is this Friday at 6 p.m. We will start out in the cafeteria and then will move to the classroom.  There will be two different sessions for those of you who have multiple students in multiple grades.  I am looking forward to meeting you all and sharing with you about what we will be doing this school year!