Thursday, 31 October 2019

Friday News 10/28-11/1

Here's a look at our first week of 2nd Quarter:

Reading: We focused on making predictions. We used the clues from the pictures and the words to guess what would happen next.

Writing: We worked on our new personal narrative. We fixed our beginning and added more details to our stories.

Math: We practiced out 2-digit addition. We learned how to regroup the ones to the tens place.

Science: We finished learning about the pond habitat.

Bible: We learned all about David and how he became King of Israel. We learned that he had courage while fighting Goliath and also chose to do what was right even when it was hard.

Important Information:

1. Monthly Bible Verse:

2. Next Monday is Parent Teacher Conferences! I am excited to meet with all of you and share with you how your student is doing in 2nd grade.



3. This year for the Christmas Program we are ordering special t-shirts that we will all wear. On Thursday each student took home an envelope. We are asking parents to give 1000 yen toward the t-shirt. Please return the envelope with the money as soon as possible.

4. We have a new Scholastic Book Order! If you would like to order you can do so online at or you can turn in the money with the paper order form to me. The last day to order will be Friday, November 15th.

Upcoming Dates:
11/4 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/11 - No School
11/16 - Holiday Market
11/27 - 1st and 2nd Grade Harvest Day
11/28-11/29 - Thanksgiving Holiday
12/18 - Christmas Program and Early Dismissal

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Friday News 10/21-10/25

We made it to the end of 1st quarter! Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we focused on the different parts of a sentence. We learned about nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Then we practiced writing complete sentences.

Writing: We started writing a new personal narrative. We chose our idea, planned out the parts, and started our writing.

Math: We finished our chapter on place value.

Science: We learned all about the pond habitat with Mrs. Lyons!

Bible: This week we learned about Ruth. We learned how she left her homeland to go with her mother-in-law to a new land. We saw that Ruth was brave, faithful, and hard working. We also learned how God took care of her.

Important Information:

1. Monthly Bible Verse: This is our last week for this verse. We will have a test on Friday.

Kind words are like honey. They are sweet to the spirit and bring healing to the body. Proverbs 16:24

2. If you ordered pictures they will be sent home today. Please check your child's backpack.

3. Parent Teacher Conferences are coming on Monday, November 4th and Tuesday, November 5th. Please make sure you sign up for a spot. You can do so at this link:

Upcoming Dates:
11/4 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/11 - No School
11/16 - Holiday Market
11/27 - 1st and 2nd Grade Harvest Day
11/28-11/29 - Thanksgiving Holiday
12/18 - Christmas Program and Early Dismissal

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Thursday, 10 October 2019

Friday News 10/7-10/11

We had a great time at the Butterfly Garden on Monday! Thank you to all the parents who came with us!

Here's a look at the rest of our week:

Reading: We worked on finding the problem and solution of a story. We had the chance to read several stories and look for the problem the character had and how they tried to solve it.

Writing: We added transitions to our stories and learned how to write a good ending.

Math: We started learning about place value. We looked at different numbers and learned how to write them in expanded form.

Bible: This week we learned more about Joshua. We learned how Joshua obeyed God's commands and the people of Israel were able to take over the city of Jericho.

Important Information:

1. Monthly Bible Verse: Kind words are like honey. They are sweet to the spirit and bring healing to the body. Proverbs 16:24

2. There is no school on Monday!

3. Elementary Clubs will be starting soon! K-2nd grade has the option of Running Club on Tuesday or Storybook Club on Wednesday. The cost for these clubs is 1500yen. If you would like your child to participate please fill out the form sent home today and return it to school with the money. Please return it as soon as possible as space is limited.

Upcoming Events:
10/14 - No School - Professional Development Day
10/25 - End of 1st Quarter
11/4 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/11 - No School
11/16 - Holiday Market

Have a great weekend! :)

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Friday News 9/30-10/4

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: We learned how to use punctuation while we are reading. We looked at periods, question marks, and exclamation points and saw how they change the way we read sentences. We read several fun books and looked at what punctuation the author was using.

Writing: This week we added detail to our stories. We looked at the nouns in our story and tried to make them more specific. We also changed words like said, fun, and good to more interesting words. We also looked for ways to add what we saw, smelled, and heard into our stories.

Math: We finished our chapter on skip counting and took our Chapter 2 test.

Bible: We finished learning about the life of Moses and started learning about Joshua. We learned how God gave His people the 10 Commandments and how they disobeyed God several times. Then we learned how God chose Joshua to lead Israel into the Promised Land.

Important Information:

1. Monday is our field trip! All students need to bring a home lunch and water bottle. Please also wear a red OCSI t-shirt or a red shirt.

2. Monthly Bible Verse: Kind words are like honey. They are sweet to the spirit and bring healing to the body. Proverbs 16:24

Upcoming Events:
10/7 - Field Trip to Butterfly Garden
10/14 - No School - Professional Development Day
10/25 - End of 1st Quarter
11/4 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/11 - No School
11/16 - Holiday Market

Have a great weekend! :)