Thursday, 28 March 2019

Friday News 3/25-3/29

Here's a look at our week!

Reading: We finished learning about Author's Purpose. We read several books together and figured out why the author wrote that story. We also learned that some stories can have two different purposes.

Writing: We started research writing. We learned how to find important information and put it into our own words. We are currently researching different continents.

Math: We continued learning about clocks. We learned how to tell time to the quarter hour and to 5 minutes. It was hard, but we practiced a lot! :)

Bible: We learned how Jesus died on the cross for our sins and was buried in the tomb. Even though it was a sad day, we still call it Good Friday because we know that Jesus died for our sins and that He rose again 3 days later.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: carries, carrying, dropping, love, loved, live, living, fly, drop, carried, carry, flying, loving, dropped, lived, flies, Tuesday, worker

2. Memory Verse: Why do you look for the living among the dead? Jesus is not here! He has risen! Luke 24:5-6

3. Scholastic Book Order: If you would like to order you can do so here:

4. Field Day is coming up NEXT Friday, April 5th. All students need to bring a home lunch on that day as we will be eating in the park. Parents are welcome to join us for the day as well.

Upcoming Dates:
4/5 - Elementary Field Day/End of 3rd Quarter
4/8-4/12 - Spring Break
4/19 - Kid City
5/3 - No School
5/27 - Memorial Day No School
6/12 - Last Day of School - 12:30 dismissal

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Friday, 22 March 2019

Friday News 3/18-3/22

We had a great week this week with Student-Led Conferences and our Field Trip to the Aquarium. Thank you for coming to our conferences and allowing us to share what we have been learning in 2nd grade! Thank you also to all the parents who came to our field trip today to help!

Reading: This week we learned about Author's Purpose. We learned that authors write stories to Persuade, Inform, or Entertain.

Math: We started learning about time. We learned how to tell time to the hour and half hour.

Bible: We continued learning about Passion Week. We learned how the Pharisees tried to trick Jesus by asking Him hard questions, however Jesus was able to answer all their questions. We also learned how Judas decided to help the Pharisees and betray Jesus.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: class, dishes, families, bench, box, cherries, classes, benches, dish, teachers, peaches, boxes, family, teacher, peach, cherry, tear, working

2. Memory Verse: He gave his life to pay for our sins. But he not only paid for our sins. He also paid for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:2

3. Scholastic Book Order: If you would like to order you can do so here:

4. Field Day is coming up on Friday, April 5th. More information will be sent home on Monday.

Upcoming Dates:
4/5 - Elementary Field Day/End of 3rd Quarter
4/8-4/12 - Spring Break
4/19 - Kid City
5/3 - No School
5/27 - Memorial Day No School
6/12 - Last Day of School - 12:30 dismissal

Have a great weekend! :)

Monday, 18 March 2019

I have opened a new Scholastic Order for this week and next week. If you wanted to order and didn't get a chance to, you can do so at the following link: . You can also send in the money and order form to me. The order will close on March 31.

Sunday, 17 March 2019

Friday News 3/11-3/15

On Friday we had the chance to visit the 3rd-5th Culture Fair! We learned about different countries in South America, Asia, and Africa!

Here's a look at the rest of our week:

Reading: We learned how to ask questions while reading. We talked about two different types of questions. Thin questions are questions that can be answered easily from the book and only have one right answer. Thick questions are questions that are harder to answer and can have multiple answers. We spent the week asking both types of questions while reading our stories.

Writing: This week we learned about Sensory Poems and Haikus. Sensory Poems are poems that use all five senses to describe something. Haikus are poems that are based on syllables. We had lots of fun writing different kinds of poems this week!

Math: We finished learning about Graphs and took our math test. At the end of the week we started learning about clocks and telling time.

Bible: We learned about the first two days of Passion Week which is the week leading up to Jesus's death and resurrection. We learned about Palm Sunday where Jesus entered Jerusalem like a king. We also learned about how on Monday he went to the temple and cleaned out all the money collectors and animals merchants so that people could worship God properly.

Important Information:

1. There will be no spelling words or Bible test this week because of the short week.

2. This Thursday is Student Led Conferences! Please arrive a few minutes before your time. Your child will be doing all of the talking to you. If you have something to discuss with me, please find an open time on that day or schedule another time to talk to me please!

When your child is done they will ask, "Do you have any questions?"

Here are some questions you can ask your child about their learning:
What do you like to learn the most at school?
What is your favorite time at school?
What is the hardest part of school?
How can I help you at home?
What are you the most proud of in your portfolio?
What do you want to work on more?

3. Our Field Trip is this Friday! Please make sure your child arrives at school on time as we will be leaving at 8:30am. If you are coming with us, I will send an email soon with more information.

Upcoming Dates:
3/21 - Student Led Conferences
3/22 - Field Trip to the Aquarium
4/5 - Elementary Field Day/End of 3rd Quarter
4/8-4/12 - Spring Break
4/19 - Kid City
5/3 - No School
5/27 - Memorial Day No School
6/12 - Last Day of School

Thursday, 7 March 2019

Friday News 3/4-3/8

This week the Middle School and High School had Service Week. We got to participate by going to Kid's Club on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: We finished learning about the main idea and details of a story. This week we looked at both fiction and nonfiction passages and identified the main idea together.

Writing: We picked our four favorite poems and compiled them into a Poetry Book. On Friday we had a 2nd grade Poetry Slam where we shared our poems with our friends.

Math: We finished learning about graphs. We learned how to make and read line plots and then reviewed for our test.

Bible: We finished our unit on Parables. We learned about God's love for us and how we should use the things that God has given us to help others.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: squeal, through, doesn't, scene, clothes, Thursday, triangle, February, couldn't, scream, January, I'll, I'm, didn't, strange, sprint

2. Memory Verse: But here is how God has shown his love for us. While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

3. Our Field Trip to the Aquarium is coming on Friday, March 22nd. Permission slips were sent home on Thursday. Please sign these and return them as soon as possible.

Upcoming Dates:
3/21 - Student Led Conferences
3/22 - Field Trip to the Aquarium
4/5 - Elementary Field Day/End of 3rd Quarter
4/8-4/12 - Spring Break
4/19 - Kid City
5/3 - No School
5/27 - Memorial Day No School
6/12 - Last Day of School

Have a wonderful weekend! :)