Friday, 26 October 2018

Friday News 10/22-10/26

We had a great field trip on Thursday! Thank you to all the parents who came out to help and join us for the day!

Here's a look at the rest of our week:

Reading: We added Listen to Reading to our Daily 5 time. During this time we get to use Kids A-Z on the computer and listen to books. We also read several stories and found the problem and solution.

Writing: This week we finished our Narrative Writing Unit. We learned how to replace tired words with stronger words. Then on Friday we fixed up our favorite story to turn in.

Math: We learned how to add two, three, and four two-digit numbers. We practiced adding by pretending to go to the story and adding up how much money we needed to buy our items. Next week we will have our Chapter 3 test.

Bible: We finished learning about the Old Testament. We learned how God brought the people back from exile in three different groups. The first group came back and rebuilt the temple. The second group came back and rebuilt the walls around Jerusalem. When the third group came back they found the law of God.

Social Studies: This week we traveled to South America! We learned about the different countries, languages, and animals. We also listened to some music from South America and learned about the Amazon Rainforest.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: cheese, teeth, even, please, team, easy, breeze, these, peace, leave, keep, zero, yours, upon

2. Memory Verse: Kind words are like honey - sweet to the soul and healthy for the body. Proverbs 16:24

3. Next Thursday and Friday are Parent Teacher Conferences! Please see the pictures below to check your time and try to arrive at least 5 minutes before. I look forward to seeing all of you and sharing with you about what we have been doing this year!

Upcoming Dates:
11/1-11/2 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/12 - School Holiday - No School
11/17 - PTF Holiday Market
11/20 - 1st and 2nd Grade Harvest Day
11/21-11/23 - Thanksgiving Holiday
11/30 - Christmas Program and 12:30 early dismissal

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Friday, 19 October 2018

Friday News 10/15-10/19

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: We learned about story elements. We identified the characters, setting, problem, and solution of different stories. We also started our weekly reading groups with Mrs. Reasoner!

Writing: We worked on adding more details. We tried to add things that we saw, heard, and felt to our stories.

Math: We started learning about two digit addition. We learned how to regroup ten ones into one ten. We also learned how to add a one digit number to a two digit number.

Bible: We learned about Elisha and how God used him to heal Naaman of his skin disease. We also learned about how Daniel stood firm in his beliefs and how God saved him from the lion’s den.

Science: We learned about rainforest biomes. Then we created a poem about and animal and drew their biome: either a desert or a rainforest.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: why, try, skylight, bright, wild, Bible, mind, Friday, mild, kind, fire, life, story, could

2. Bible Memory Verse: Blessed is the person who obeys the law of the Lord. They don't follow the advice of evil people. Psalm 1:1

3. Our field trip is next Thursday! Each student needs to bring a home lunch that day and wear their red Friday T-shirt. If they would like to wade in the stream they also need to bring water shoes. If you have any questions please let me know.

4. Because of our Field Trip on Thursday we will have our Spelling Test and Bible Test on Friday.

Upcoming Events:
10/25 - Grade 1 and 2 Field Trip
11/1-11/2 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/12 - School Holiday - No School
11/17 - PTF Holiday Market
11/21/11/23 - Thanksgiving Holiday
11/30 - Christmas Program and 12:30 early dismissal

Have a great weekend! :)

Saturday, 13 October 2018

Friday News 10/8-10/12

We had a great week being back at school together! Here's a look at what we did:

Reading: We learned about using punctuation while reading. We looked at different punctuation and thought about how it changes our voice while we read. Then we read several books together using the punctuation to make it more exciting.

Writing: We continued writing narrative stories. This week we looked at our stories and made a writing goal to work on for the rest of the quarter. We also learned to think about what kind of story we are writing and the emotion that we want the reader to feel while reading our story.

Math: We learned about arrays and how to tell if a number is even or odd. We also reviewed for our chapter 2 math test which will be on Monday.

Science: We learned about the desert biome and we also made our own desert biome on paper.

Bible: We learned about the Kings of Israel. We also learned about Elijah and how he showed that God is the true God.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: grade, played, train, eight, faith, today, neighbor, gave, railway, praise, wave, weigh, enough, children

2. Bible Verse: Don't be afraid. Stand firm. You will see how the Lord will save you today. Exodus 14:13

3. Our 1st and 2nd grade field trip is coming up on Thursday, October 25th. Permission slips were sent home this week. Please return those to school as soon as possible and let me know if you have any questions.

Upcoming Dates:
10/25 - Grade 1 and 2 Field Trip
11/1-11/2 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/12 - School Holiday - No School
11/17 - PTF Holiday Market
11/21/11/23 - Thanksgiving Holiday
11/30 - Christmas Program and 12:30 early dismissal

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Friday, 5 October 2018

Here are some announcements for next week:

1. Spelling Words: This week we will review the top 12 misspelled words from the last few lessons.

ticket, square, ribbon, hidden, backstroke, quick, giant, cycle, stamp, Monday, hike, friend

2. Bible Verse: But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King. Jeremiah 10:10

3. There is no school on Monday.

4. Our Scholastic Books were delayed because of the typhoons. They should arrive sometime next week.


10/8 - Professional Development Day - No School
10/25 - 1st and 2nd Grade Field Trip
10/26 - End of 1st Quarter
11/1-11/2 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/12 - School Holiday - No School
11/17 - Holiday Market
11/30 - Christmas Program and Early Dismissal (12:30)

Have a wonderful weekend! See you on Tuesday! :)