Sunday, 30 September 2018

I hope you all had a safe weekend! Due to the typhoon and canceled school, we will not have any new spelling words or a Bible verse this week. We will start up again next week. 

Please check the school website, facebook, or your email to see about school tomorrow.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Friday News 9/17-9/21

Reading: This week we focused on Tuning into Interesting Words. As we read books together and on our own we looked for words that were interesting or that we did not know. We talked about these words together and added them to a big word collector. We will continue to do this through out the school year.

Writing: In Writing we focused on adding a strong ending to our story. We looked through our finished stories to see if they had a good ending and added one if it was not there.

Math: We finished our 1st chapter on Tuesday. Then we started our next chapter on number patterns. This week we focused on skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Social Studies: We learned about the 7 continents. We learned how to identify them on a map of the world.

Bible: We learned about Moses and the Judges. We learned that God took care of His people by leading them out of Egypt. We also learned that God helps us when we call out to Him.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: gym, city, circle, gone, age, centre, giant, space, garden, cycle, square, oval

2. Memory Verse: What pleases the Lord more? Burnt offerings and sacrifices, or obeying him? It is better to obey than to offer a sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22

3. Our Scholastic Book Order will end on Tuesday. If you would like to order you can do so online at or send in the order form and money to me.

4. Our class will be going on a field trip on Thursday, October 25th. More information will be coming soon!

Upcoming Dates:

10/8 - Professional Development Day - No School
10/25 - Grade 1 and 2 Field Trip
11/1-11/2 - Parent Teacher Conferences
11/12 - School Holiday - No School
11/17 - PTF Holiday Market
11/21/11/23 - Thanksgiving Holiday
11/30 - Christmas Program and 12:30 early dismissal

Have a great weekend! :)

Friday, 14 September 2018

Friday News 9/10-9/14

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we focused on Accuracy Strategies. We learned what to do when we come to words that we don't know while reading.

Writing: We learned how to add more details to our stories. The students worked really hard on Friday to find areas of their stories where they could add more details and help the reader picture the story in their mind.

Math: This week we finished our review chapter on addition and subtraction. Next week we will take our Chapter 1 Test.

Bible: We learned about Joseph and how God took care of him. Even though he went through hard times, God had a plan for his life and helped him.

Social Studies: We made our own pirate maps and then gave directions using North, South, East, and West on how to get to the treasure.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: smoke, quick, backpack, hike, clock, lake, strike, backstroke, check, ticket, friend, baseball

2. Bible Verse: Lord, you are forgiving and good. You are full of love for all who call out to you. Psalm 86:5

3. There is no school on Monday. Enjoy the long weekend!

4. If you would like to order books from Scholastic please do so before September 25th. Please check the previous post for instructions.

5. PICTURE DAY: Picture Day is next week. Our day is Thursday and our time is 9:00.

Upcoming Dates:
9/17 - Professional Development Day - No School
9/19-9/20 - Picture Days
10/8 - Professional Development Day - No School

Have a good weekend! :)

Monday, 10 September 2018

Image result for scholastic book order

Each student received a Scholastic Book Order today. This is a way that you can order books in English for your child. If you would like to order some books you can do so in the following ways:

1. Order online at Please find our class (2.1 Miss Guiles Class) and click the books that you would like to buy. Put in your credit card information and then your books will be put with the rest of our class order.

2. Fill out the order form inside the booklet and return it to school with the money. I will input your order online.

Books usually arrive 1-2 weeks after the final order is placed. I will place the order on Tuesday, September 25.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Friday, 7 September 2018

Friday News 9/3-9/7

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we continued to build our reading stamina. We were able to read for 20 minutes two days in a row! We also practiced reading with a partner. This week we also learned how to Check for Comprehension by asking Who? and What? while reading.

Writing: We started writing narrative stories! We learned how to plan out our parts across our fingers and write about each part.

Math: We continued to practice our addition skills and learned about subtraction.

Social Studies: This week we studied maps and learned that most maps have a title, compass, and map key. We also learned how to give directions using north, south, east, and west.

Bible: We learned about Abraham this week. We learned that God always keeps His promises and that we need to trust Him even when we don't understand.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: hidden, grass, hill, stuff, hammer, bless, kitten, ribbon, pizza, cliff, two, Monday

2. Bible Memory Verse: I am the Lord your God. I say to you, "Do not be afraid. I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

3. Friday T-Shirts were sent home today in your child's backpack! We try to wear these shirts on Fridays and when we go on Field Trips.

Upcoming Dates:

9/17 - Professional Development Day - No School
9/19-9/20 - Picture Days
10/8 - Professional Development Day - No School

Have a great weekend! :)