Thursday, 13 December 2018

Friday News 12/10-12/14

Happy Christmas Break! We had a great party today. Thank you to all the parents who brought in food and helped with our party!

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we read some fun Christmas books. On Thursday we read How the Grinch Stole Christmas and did a science experiment where we made the Grinch's heart grow with baking soda and vinegar.

Writing: We wrote what we would like in our stockings. We also wrote stories about a snowman who came to life.

Math: We finished our Chapter on Place Value and took our test.

Bible: We practiced for our Nativity Play today! The students did a really great job with their parts. I will post the video soon!

Important Information:
1. Christmas Break has started! School will start again on January 7th.

2. Kite Day and Parent Observation Day will be on Monday, January 14th. Parents are welcome to come and observe our class anytime between 8:30-10:30. Our kite flying time will be from 9:30-10:00. If you have any questions please let me know or check the email from Mrs. Roe.

Upcoming Dates:
1/7 - School starts again
1/14 - Kite Day and Parent Observation Day
1/21 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
1/28-2/1 - Spirit Week

Have a wonderful Christmas Break! :)

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Friday News 12/3-12/7

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: We continued learning how to make connections. We read several stories and shared our text-to-self, text-to-text, and text-to-world connections with one another

Writing: We finished our unit on writing letters. We learned how to end a letter and then chose our best work to turn in.

Math: We have been learning about place value. This week we learned how to write a number in expanded form and word form. Next week we will finish our chapter and take our test.

Bible: We learned about Jesus choosing His 12 disciples. We learned that God gave the disciples a special job: to go and tell others about Him.

Science: We finished learning about plants with Mrs. Lyons!

Hour of Code: This week we got the chance to participate in Hour of Code. This is an online program for students to practice coding. We had a lot of fun doing this on Monday!

We also said good-bye to Mrs. E on Friday. We are so thankful for all she did for our class this past semester! We will miss her!

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: should, cloth, wish, that, brush, wash, there, then, shoes, shine, with, polish, thick, both, across, would

2. Bible Verse: The Word became a human being. He made his home with us. We have seen his glory. John 1:14

3. Friday is an early dismissal day. We will finish school at 12:30pm. We will also be having our class party on that day starting at 10:30am. If you have any questions please let me know.

Upcoming Dates:
12/14 - Early dismissal at 12:30 and Christmas Party
12/15-1/6 - Christmas Break - No School
1/7 - School starts again
1/14 - Kite Day and Parent Observation Day

1/21 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School

Have a great weekend! :)

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Friday News 11/26-11/30

We had a wonderful Christmas Program on Friday!

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: We learned about Making Connections while reading.

Writing: We continued writing our letters. We learned how to give more examples to support our opinion.

Math: We finished learning about two-digit subtraction and took our chapter test. Then we started learning about place value.

Bible: We learned about Jesus's baptism and temptation. We learned that He is God's Son.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: rejoice, point, noise, join, coin, toy, enjoy, good-bye, cool, room, stood, football, shook, too, they, alike

2. Memory Verse: "Come. Follow me," Jesus said. "I will make you fishers of people." Matthew 4:19

3. Our class Christmas Party will be Friday, December 14th. More information will be coming soon!

Upcoming Dates:
12/14 - Early dismissal at 12:30 and Christmas Party
12/15-1/6 - Christmas Break - No School
1/7 - School starts again
1/21 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Monday, 26 November 2018

Here is some important information about this week. If you have any questions please let me know:

11/29 On Thursday, students need to arrive at school at regular time with a home lunch and a water bottle. The students will go to their classrooms then board a bus to the Uruma Hall. We will practice at the hall until 1:30 and return to school. Please make sure you have sent back to permission slip!

11/30 On Friday, school will be dismissed at 12:30. Regular school lunch. If your child rides the bus, please calculate what time the bus will arrive when it departs OCSI around 12:40. 

PLEASE ARRIVE AT THE URUMA THEATER BY 5:30! Your child should be wearing dresses or nice clothes! After you arrive at the hall, the student will go backstage and the parents can find a seat in the Hall. If you are sitting in the audience looking at the stage, my class will be standing on the left side of the stage. The Program will be done around 7pm. 
金曜日の夜にうるま市民芸術劇場 へ5:30にとうちゃくしてください。子供はドレスアップしてください。子どもたちがバックステージに行ったあと、ご父母はホールに座ってください。客席に座ってステージを見れば、2.1のクラスは左側に立ちます!7時ぐらいにおわります。


〒904-2226 Okinawa-ken, Uruma-shi, Nakamine, 175
Theater Website:

Tuesday, 20 November 2018

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great Harvest Day on Tuesday! The students learned about the first Thanksgiving, made turkeys, made thankful pumpkins, and played Thanksgiving themed games. In the afternoon we also enjoyed some yummy pie!

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: This week will be a review lesson. We will review the following words:

enough, neighbor, been, weigh, peace, these, breeze, children, December, praise, could, try, leave, Friday

2. Memory Verse: And a voice came from heaven, "You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased." Mark 1:11

3. Next Thursday (November 29th) we will have our Christmas Program Practice at the Uruma Hall. All students will need to bring a home lunch that day as we will eat lunch away from school.

4. Next Friday (November 30th) is our annual 1st-5th Christmas Program. This year it is at the Uruma Citizens' Art Theater. Students need to arrive by 5:30 unless they have a speaking or solo (then they need to arrive at 5:15). Please make sure your student is dressed up for this event. School will end at 12:30 on this day to give students time to get home and then get to the theater.  Here is the website for the theater so you can find directions:

Upcoming Dates:
11/22-11/23 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No School
11/29 - Christmas Program Practice - All students need a home lunch
11/30 - Christmas Program at 6:00 and early dismissal at 12:30
12/14 - Early dismissal at 12:30 and Christmas Party
12/15-1/6 - Christmas Break - No School
1/7 - School starts again
1/21 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School

Have a wonderful break! :)

Thursday, 15 November 2018

Friday News 11/12-11/16

Today we celebrated Mrs. E's birthday! We are so thankful for all she does to help us everyday! :)

Reading: This week we learned how to summarize a story. We read several stories together and looked for the key parts to tell.

Writing: We learned how to write our opinions about characters and back up our opinions with evidence from the book.

Math: We focused on word problems this week. We learned how to identify the key words that help us know what to do. We also did some two-step word problems.

Social Studies: We got to try three different activities from Africa! We learned how to play Shishima and Mancala and we wrote messages in Hieroglyphics.

Bible: We continued learning about the Christmas story. We learned about Simeon and Anna and how they had faith that God would keep His promises. They waited their whole lives to meet the Savior and were so excited when they met Jesus.

Important Information:

1. There will be no spelling test or Bible test next week.

2. On Saturday we are having our OCSI Holiday Market from 10-2! Please come join us for a fun time!

3. Next Tuesday is our 1st and 2nd Grade Harvest Day and Pie Day! We will learn about Thanksgiving and enjoy some pie together.

4. There will be NO SCHOOL next Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday for Thanksgiving Break.

Upcoming Dates:
11/17 - PTF Holiday Market
11/20 - 1st and 2nd Grade Harvest Day
11/21-11/23 - Thanksgiving Holiday
11/29 - Christmas Program Practice - All students need a home lunch!
11/30 - Christmas Program and 12:30 early dismissal
12/14 - Christmas Party and 12:30 early dismissal

Have a great weekend! :)