Friday, 29 September 2017

Friday News 9/29

We had a great day at Toguchi Beach! We enjoyed a picnic lunch together, playing at the park, and swimming in the ocean. Thank you to all the parents who could come and join us!

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we focused on Retelling a Story. We learned that in order to retell a story we need to remember the characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end.

Writing: We learned how to plan out our story and figure out how many parts it has. We also learned how to add more details to our stories by "magnifying" ideas.

Math: This week we learned about repeated addition and arrays. Next week we will finish Chapter 2 and take our test.

Bible: We learned about King Saul and King David. King Saul started out obeying God, but then he started disobeying so God took the kingdom away from him. However, David loved God and obeyed Him. Even though he made mistakes, He followed God.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: This week we will review some words from the previous weeks.
backstroke, ticket, square, little, strike, smoke, ribbon, Monday, cycle, quick, circle, kitten

2. Memory Verse: But the Lord is the true God; he is the living God, the eternal King. Jeremiah 10:10

Upcoming Dates:
10/9 - Teacher Development Day - No School
10/27 - End of 1st Quarter
11/3 - Parent/Teacher Conferences
11/11 - Walkathon
11/13 - No School

Friday, 22 September 2017

Friday News: 9/22

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we worked on expanding our vocabulary. We looked for interesting words in our stories that we didn't know or that we want to use in our writing.

Writing: We focused on gathering more ideas for our writing. We learned that authors think about meaningful moments in their lives to make their stories.

Math: This week we took our Chapter 1 Test. We also started learning how to skip count by 2s, 5s, and 10s.

Bible: We finished the story of Joseph. We learned that God can take the bad things that happen to us and make them something good. We also learned how God saved His people from slavery in Egypt and showed His power.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: gym, city, circle, gone, age, center, giant, space, garden, cycle, square, oval

2. Memory Verse: What pleases the Lord more? Burnt offerings and sacrifices, or obeying him? It is better to obey than to offer a sacrifice. 1 Samuel 15:22

3. The last day to order books from Scholastic is Monday. If you would like to order please go to

4. Our Toguchi Beach Field Trip is next Friday! More information was sent home today in Friday Folders. Here is the schedule for the day:

10:15am - leave OCSI
10:30am - arrive and eat lunch
11:15am - 2nd grade at the playground
12:15pm - 2nd grade at the beach
1:15pm - get ready to leave
1:40pm - leave Toguchi
2:00pm - arrive at OCSI

You are welcome to take your child home with you after the field trip. Please just let me know so that every one is accounted for!

Have a great weekend! :)

Friday, 15 September 2017

Friday News 9/15

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we focused on accuracy strategies to help us read the words correctly. We learned how to stretch out the words, look for silent 'e', and cross-check. We also continued to practice our Read to Self and Read to Someone to build stamina.

Writing: We learned how to edit our stories and published our first story! On Friday we had a chance to share our finished stories with the class.

Math: This week we learned about fact families and two-step word problems. On Friday we reviewed our addition and subtraction facts to get ready for our test next week.

Bible: We learned about Jacob and Esau. Even though Jacob made some bad choices, we learned that God did not give up on him. We also learned about one of his sons, Joseph. Joseph kept trusting God even though some hard things happened to him. We learned to trust God no matter what is happening in our lives.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: smoke, quick, backpack, hike, clock, lake, strike, backstroke, check, ticket, friend, baseball

2. Memory Verse: Lord, you are forgiving and good. You are full of love for all who call out to you. Psalm 86:5

3. There is no school on Monday.

4. Our Toguchi Beach field trip is Friday, September 29th. We will leave school at 10:30 and return at 2:00.

5. If you would like to order some books through scholastic please use this link: . Please find 2.1 Miss Guiles and place your order using a credit card. You can also fill out the order form and send it to school with your child along with the correct money amount in US DOLLARS. The last day to order will be next Friday, September 22.

Have a wonderful weekend! :)

Thursday, 7 September 2017

Friday News 9/8

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we learned how to check our comprehension while we are reading. We learned to stop and ask ourselves who the characters are and what has happened so far in the story.  We also continued to build our independent reading stamina.

Writing: We started writing true stories about our lives. This week we focused on building our writing stamina by writing for longer periods of time. On Friday we shared some of our stories with a partner!

Math: This week we focused on adding three or four numbers together and solving word problems.

Bible: We learned that God always keeps His promises. When He says that He will do something, He follows through. We looked at the story of Noah and how God promised never to flood the whole earth again. We also learned about Abraham and that God promised him a son even though Abraham was very old. God kept His promise and gave Abraham a son when he was 100 years old.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: hidden, grass, hill, stuff, hammer, bless, kitten, ribbon, pizza, cliff, two, Monday

2. Memory Verse: I am the Lord your God. I take hold of your right hand. I say to you, "Do not be afraid. I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

3. Our 1st and 2nd grade Field Trip to Toguchi Beach will be on Friday, September 29th. Permissions slips were sent home today in Friday Folders. Please sign both pieces of paper and return them to school by next Friday.

Upcoming Dates:
9/18 - No School (Teacher Professional Development Day)
9/22 - Progress Reports sent on Jupiter
9/25-9/26 - Picture Days
9/29 - Field Trip

Have a great weekend!