Thursday, 23 February 2017

It was a great day to go to the Aquarium! We had a great time seeing the sea turtles, the dolphin show, and the inside of the Aquarium. Thank you to all the parents who came with us and helped our day go smoothly!

Here's a look at what we learned this week:

Reading: We learned how to identify the main topic. We practiced by looking at several pictures and deciding what they all had in common. We also started learning about Main Idea and Details.

Writing: In Writing we finished our Continent Research Projects! Each group worked hard to take all their information and put it on a poster. They look great!

Math: We continued learning how to count coins and also how to count dollars.

Bible: This week we learned two more parables of Jesus. We learned that Jesus wants us to forgive others because He has forgiven us. We also learned that Jesus invites all people to Heaven, but we have to accept His invitation.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: slide, sprint, smile, swish, scream, squeal, splash, skate, start, snow, score, sport, scene, school, January, from

2. Bible Memory Verse: He has removed our sins from us. He has removed them as far as the east is from the west. Psalm 103:12

Upcoming Events:
3/13 - No School
3/20 - Student-Led Conferences
3/24 - End of 3rd Quarter
3/29-3/31 - Terra Nova Testing
4/1-4/9 - Spring Break
4/21 - Kid City
4/28 - Elementary Field Day

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, 16 February 2017

We had a busy week with Service Week and our normal activities. Here are some pictures from our Kid's Club:

Reading: This week we focused on asking questions. We learned some question words and practiced asking questions about different books.

Writing: We continued working on our continent group research projects. Most groups finished their research and started on their poster.

Math: This week we started learning about money. We learned about pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters. We also practiced counting them and seeing if we had enough money to buy things.

Bible: In Bible we started learning about the parables that Jesus told. A parable is a story that teaches us a lesson. This week we learned about different types of people who hear the story of Jesus and how they respond. We also learned how to show love to those around us: our friends, family, and enemies.

Important Information:

1. There will be no new spelling words of Bible Verse next week.

2. There is NO SCHOOL on Monday for President's Day.

3. Our Field Trip is next Friday (24th)! Please make sure your child brings a home lunch, water bottle, and small bag. Please also have them wear their Red Friendship Friday t-shirt. If your child does not have one, please have them wear a red shirt. This will help us easily identify and find all of our students.

Upcoming Dates:
2/20 - President's Day - No School
2/21 - Progress Reports
2/24 - Field Trip to Aquarium
3/13 - School Holiday - No School
3/20 - Student Led Conferences
3/24 - End of 3rd Quarter
3/29-3/31 - Terra Nova Testing

Have a great long weekend!

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we learned about Cause and Effect. We looked for cause and effect in the world around us, played a matching game, and identified cause and effect in several different books.

Writing: We began our week by learning how to take notes on nonfiction passages. We practiced reading a passage and finding the important information. Then we took that information and put it in our own words. After learning how to take notes, we started our Continent Research Project in groups. For the next few weeks, we will research different topics about our continents and then make a poster to present our findings. We also learned about contractions and performed Contraction Surgery.

Math: In Math we finished our chapter on three digit subtraction and took our test on Friday.

Bible: This week we finished learning about Jesus' miracles. We learned about Jesus healing a man who was blind and raising one of his friends back from the dead. Through these stories we learned that Jesus has power over all kinds of sickness and even over death.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: close, brave, through, place, crash, clothes, threw, glad, flash, ground, traffic, prize, strange, drive, seen, become

2. Memory Verse: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

3. Next week is Service Week. On Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday the 1st and 2nd graders will be participating in a Kid's Club led by our High School and Middle School students. This club will be in the morning and then we will have regular school in the afternoon.

4. Philippines Donations: One of the Service Week projects is to gather donations to be sent to the Philippines. On Friday each student received a flyer telling what types of items can be donated. Our goal as an Elementary is to get 200 items to donate.

5. Next Tuesday is Valentines Day! We will be having a small celebration at the end of the day. If your child would like to bring Valentines for the class they are welcome to do so, please just make sure they bring one for each member of our class (we now have 19 students). This is not a requirement, but if you would like to send Valentines, please do so on Tuesday.

6. Our Field Trip is coming up on Friday, February 24th. If you have any questions about that day, please let me know!

Upcoming Events:
2/14 - Valentine's Day
2/20 - President's Day - No School
2/21 - Progress Report
2/24 - Field Trip to the Aquarium
3/13 - No School
3/20 - Student Led Conference
3/24 - End of 3rd Quarter

Have a good weekend!

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we finished reviewing our comprehension strategies. We focused on using our prior knowledge, summarizing, and making predictions.

Writing: In Writing we learned all about VERBS! We classified verbs into three categories: action, helping, and linking. Then we did lots of activities to practice knowing and using verbs.


We also finished our Procedural Writing Unit. This week we wrote how to BE something. We had a wide range of ideas from How To Be Messy to How To Be A Second Grader.

Math: This week we continued learning about three digit subtraction with regrouping. The students are doing a great job with these hard concepts! Next week we will finish up this chapter and take our test.

Bible: In Bible we learned about Jesus bringing a dead girl back to life, Jesus healing a man who was sick for 38 years, and Jesus feeding more than 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish! Through these miracles we learned that Jesus has power over sickness and death and the ability to make a lot from a little.

Important Information:
1. Spelling Words: he's, it's, I'm, I'll, she's, can't, let's, you'll, didn't, they'll, haven't, couldn't, doesn't wouldn't, its, said

2. Bible Memory Verse: I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness. John 8:12

3. Our Field Trip to the Aquarium is coming up on Friday, February 24th! Each student received a permission slip today. Please fill out both papers and return the bottom portions to me by next Friday. If you would like to come with us, please also send in the 1480 yen parent admission fee. Thank you!

Upcoming Dates:
2/14 - Valentine's Day
2/20 - President's Day - No School
2/24 - Field Trip to the Aquarium
3/13 - No School
3/20 - Parent/Teacher Conference
3/24 - End of 3rd Quarter
3/29-2/31 - Terra Nova Testing

Have a wonderful weekend!