Thursday, 26 January 2017

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we reviewed some of our comprehension and vocabulary strategies. We worked on checking for comprehension, finding new vocabulary words, retelling a story, and making connections.

Writing: In Writing we continued learning about procedures and transition words. We finished our second How To Book.

Math: This week we started learning about three-digit subtraction. We practiced subtracting hundreds and tens. We also practiced borrowing from the tens and hundreds.

Bible: In Bible we learned about Jesus calming the storm and healing a woman who was bleeding for 12 years. We learned that Jesus is more powerful than anything we are afraid of and that He can heal all diseases.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: This week we will be reviewing the last few lessons. Our words are: preacher, watch, pitcher, thought, caught, because, write, taught, brought, August, chosen, reach, bought, pause, paws, which

2. Bible Memory Verse: Lord my God, I called out to you for help. And you healed me. Psalm 30:2

3. The last day for our Scholastic Book Order will be next Friday.

4. Report Cards were sent home yesterday. Please sign the envelope in the Quarter 2 spot and return it to me as soon as possible. If you have any questions about your student's grades or comments please send me a note or an email.

5. Our Field Trip to the Aquarium is coming up on Friday, February 24th! More information will be coming next week!

Important Events:
2/10 - Family Reading Night
2/21 - Progress Reports
2/20 - President's Day - No School
2/24 - Field Trip to the Aquarium
3/11 - School Holiday - No School
3/30 - Student Led Conferences
3/29-3/31 - Terra Nova Testing

Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Reading: This week we continued learning about characters. We focused on discovering a character's personality by looking at how they act and what they say. We finished out the week with our Character Parade where we shared our favorite books with each other!

Writing: In Writing we finished our first Procedural Book on how to do something. Next week we will write about how to make something.

Math: This week we finished learning about three digit addition and took our Chapter Test. Next week we will start on three digit subtraction strategies.

Bible: In Bible we continued learning about Jesus' miracles. We learned about Jesus healing a man that had a shriveled hand. Jesus showed compassion toward him and healed him of his disease.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: draw, saw, ought, pause, straw, paws, lawn, bought, August, caught, brought, taught, because, thought, sure, goes

2. Memory Verse: Who is this? He commands even the winds and the waves, and they obey him. Luke 8:25b

3. Book Orders were sent home last week. If you would like to order, please do so online at or send in the order form and US Dollars with your student. The last day to order will be Friday, February 3rd.

4. Valentine Grams: The students received a Valentine Gram form this week. This is a fundraiser for one of the High School classes. For Valentines Day I would encourage the students to exchange Valentine cards or goodies with their classmates. These could be homemade cards and goodies or something from the Valentine Grams. If you chose to order Grams, please clearly write on the form who it is from and who it is for along with their grade. This could also be an option for your child's friends who are in different classes or grades. Please do not feel obligated to order Valentine Grams, it is just one option. However, I would love for us to exchange some small things for Valentines Day. If you would like a class list to do this, please let me know.

5. Our Class Field Trip to the Aquarium will take place on Friday, February 24. More information will be coming soon! We would love to have as many parents join us as possible, so please mark your calendars!

Upcoming Events:
1/26 - Report Cards Issued
2/14 - Valentine's Day
2/20 - Presidents Day - No School
2/21 - Progress Reports
2/24 - Field Trip to Aquarium

Have a great weekend!

Friday, 13 January 2017

Here are some pictures from our Kite Day on Monday:

Reading: This week we focused on characters. We learned how to describe characters by their outside appearance. We also learned how to identify character traits by looking at how a character acts and what they say.

Writing: We started working on Procedural Writing. We brainstormed a list of things that we know how to do, make, and be. Then we chose one thing we know how to do and started writing instructions for someone else to follow.

Math: This week we continued working on three-digit addition. The students are doing awesome! We will be taking our Chapter 6 Test next week.

Bible: We continued learning about Jesus' miracles. This week we learned that Jesus has power over sickness, disease, and evil spirits. We learned about how He healed different people and how He can make evil spirits go away.

Important Information:

1. There will be NO SCHOOL on Monday due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday.  There will also be NO SCHOOL on Friday for a Teacher Work Day.

2. Because there are only 3 days of school next week, we will not have a Spelling Test or a Bible Memory Test.

3. Next week is SPIRIT WEEK!!!
     Tuesday - Pajama Day! (please make sure your student is still in dress code)
     Wednesday - Crazy Hair/Crazy Hat Day!
     Thursday - CHARACTER PARADE!

4. Character Parade is a chance for us to celebrate and share our favorite books!
  Students will need:
    - a favorite book that they have read
    - a creative costume that goes with the book made from clothing or items found at home
  The Parade will start at 9:15 in the cafeteria and then we will go to our classroom to share our books and costumes with each other. Parents are welcome to join us for this time. If you have any questions please send me an email.

Coming Events:
1/16 - No School
1/19 - Character Parade
1/20 - No School
1/26 - 1st Semester Report Cards sent home
2/20 - No School
2/24 - 2nd Grade Field Trip to the Aquarium

Have a great long weekend!

Friday, 6 January 2017

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: flour, down, south, hour, flower, now, towel, about, mouth, how, out, our, houses, around, away, above

2. Bible Memory Verse: What is this? A new teaching! And with so much authority! He even gives orders to evil spirits, and they obey him. Mark 1:27

3. Kite Day will be on Monday! Our time to fly kites will be from 10:00-10:45 out on the soccer field. Please be sure to send a kite with your student in the morning, or bring it with you if you are joining us. We hope that you are able to join us for this fun time!

Upcoming Events:
1/9 - Kite Day
1/16 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
1/17-1/19 - School Spirit Week
1/19 - K-2 Character Parade
1/20 - Teacher Work Day - NO SCHOOL
1/26 - 1st Semester Report Cards Issued

Have a wonderful weekend! :)