Saturday, 27 August 2016

Thank you to all who attended Open House on Friday! It was great to meet all of you and share with you about our class this year!

Here's a peek at our week last week:

Reading: In Reading we worked on building our reading stamina by practicing Read to Self. We were able to read for 16 minutes without stopping! We also started learning about how to check for comprehension while reading.

Writing: This week in Writing we learned how to use our memories for ideas of what to write about. We spend time thinking of different ideas and then we learned how to pre-write and write a first draft of a story.

Math: In Math we practiced our addition and subtraction facts. We also learned how to solve story problems.

Bible: This week we learned about God creating the world in 7 days. We also learned about how Adam and Eve broke God's rule. We finished the week by learning about the promises that God has made to us.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: this, must, will, puppy, little, under, print, block, lost, contest, spell, ever

2. Memory Verse: "He doesn't change his mind. He speaks, and then he acts. He makes a promise, and then he keeps it." Numbers 23:19

3. There will be No School on Monday, September 5th

Friday, 19 August 2016

First Week!

We had a great first two days of 2nd grade! 

On Thursday we spent some time getting to know one another and learning the rules and procedures of our new classroom. At the end of the day we had an Assembly with the rest of the elementary grades where we heard from Mr. Jernberg and our new chaplain Mr. Roe. We also got to sing some fun songs together and watch a video made by our teachers.

Today we continued to learn about our class rules and expectations. We took a math test to see what we remember from 1st grade. We also practiced how to work together in groups by playing a fun cup stacking game. Today we also started our Japanese classes and our Music class. We ended the day with another get-to-know-you game where we learned more about our classmates.

Important Information:

1. Our beginning of the year papers were sent home on Thursday. Please fill those out and return them to school by Friday, August 26th. The papers include:
     - Family Information Sheet: This helps me get to know you and your child better.

     - Friendship Friday T-shirt Form: This year we have a brand new Friday T-shirt that goes with our elementary theme for the year. Our 2nd grade color is RED. If you would like to order one for your child please fill out the form and return it to me with the money included. We will wear these shirts on Friday and for our Field Trips throughout the year.

     - Library Form: Our library day this year will be Thursday. Please fill out this form so that your child will be able to check out library books throughout the year.

     - Computer Lab Form: Please read through this form with your child and sign so that they will be able to use our classroom computers and the elementary computer lab.

     - Behavior Plan: We want to make you aware of the expectations we have for our elementary. Please read through this paper and sign.

If you have any questions about any of these form, please send me an email.

2. Bible Memory Verse: Every week we will have a Memory Verse that goes along with our Bible lessons. We will work on it together in class, but please also have your student practice at home. On Friday I will ask each student to recite the verse to me as part of their Bible grade. Here is our verse for next week:

"The earth belongs to the Lord. And so does everything in it." Psalm 24:1a

3. Spelling Words: Each week we will also have a list of spelling words that we will focus on. Our spelling tests will take place on Fridays. Here are our spelling words for next week:

ask, ten, best, stamp, clap, next, band, past, went, sent, funny, sister

4. Our School Open House will be next Friday, August 26th. This is a chance for you to meet me, hear about our class, and ask any questions you might have. I hope to see you there!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, 15 August 2016

Welcome to 2nd Grade!!!

I am very excited to meet each of you soon and to spend the year together learning and growing!

Here is the list of School Supplies for this year:

  • set of 12 colored pencils
  • water-based markers (optional)
  • 2 glue sticks (not the wet type)
  • 10 pencils
  • 4 erasers
  • scissors
  • 2 zippered A4 size folders
  • 1 A4 sized white board with 4 dry-erase markers and eraser
  • 1 tissue box
  • 1 hand sanitizer
  • 1 A4 size 40 pocket clear book
  • 3 B5 Composition Notebooks (Campus A 7mm lined)
  • 1 pencil case
  • 1 box small Ziploc bags
  • 1 box large Ziploc bags
  • Japanese style inside shoes (uwabaki) for use inside the classroom
Art Class Supplies: pencil case, set of crayons, 2 pencils, 1 eraser, 1 glue stick
Japanese Class: 120 yen for a notebook
Music: 1 A4 wide zipper folder, 1 B5 size pack of MUSIC LINED paper