Friday, 16 December 2016

We had a great week celebrating Christmas!!

Important Information:

1. School will resume on Wednesday, January 4th! Please make sure to bring your library books back on that day.

3. Kite Day will be Monday, January 9th. Our flying time will be from 10:00-10:45. We would love for you to join us for this fun day!

Upcoming Events:
1/4: School Starts
1/9: Kite Day
1/19: Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
1/19: Character Parade
1/20: Teacher Work Day - No School

Have a blessed Christmas and New Year! See you in January! :)

Saturday, 10 December 2016

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we focused on summarizing a story. We learned that summarizing means to tell the story in your own words. We used the following questions to help us:

Somebody: Who is the main character?
Wanted: What did the character want?
But: What was the problem?
So: How did the character solve the problem?
Then: What happened at the end?

Writing: We finished our last fiction story! Next week we will write a Christmas themed story.

Math: This week we started our chapter on Place Value. We learned how to identify the ones, tens, and hundreds. We also learned how to write a number in extended form.

Bible: In Bible we finished our lessons on prayer and put together our hand prayer books. We also started practicing for our play about the Christmas story!

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: preacher, reach, lunch, church, chosen, child, what, while, which, where, when, watch, match, pitcher, something, write

2. Bible Memory Verse: She is going to have a son. You must give him the name Jesus. That's because he will save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21

3. Friday will be an early dismissal day. School will end at 12:30pm. We will also be having our class Christmas Party on that day. During our party we will be having a small gift exchange. We are asking that all the boys bring one boy present and all the girls bring one girl present of no more than 300 yen. We will then have a drawing for the presents. If you have any questions, please let me know or send an email to our class moms.

Upcoming Dates:
12/16 - Last Day of School before Break - 12:30 dismissal
12/17-1/3 - Christmas Break
1/4 - School Resumes
1/9 - Kite Day
1/16 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
1/19 - Character Parade
1/20 - Teacher Work Day - No School

Saturday, 3 December 2016

We had a great Christmas Program on Friday night! I hope you enjoyed the program and all the hard work of our students. They did a great job!

Here's a look at what we did last week:

Reading: We learned how to use our prior knowledge while we read. We learned that prior knowledge means what you already know about a topic. We then used our prior knowledge to help us better understand the books we read.

Math: In Math we finished up our Unit on double digit subtraction. We learned how to check our answers using addition and how to solve subtraction word problems.

Bible: In Bible we continued our discussion on prayer. We learned that we can pray for our friends and our families.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: should, cloth, wish, that, brush, wash, there, then, shoes, shine, with, polish, thick, both, across, would

2. Memory Verse: The Word became a human being. He made his home with us. We have seen his glory. It is the glory of the one and only Son. John 1:14a

3. Friday, December 16th will be our last day before Christmas Break. School will be dismissed at 12:30. There will be no school lunch on that day, but we will be having a class Christmas Party. More information on our party will be coming soon.

Upcoming Dates:
12/16 - Last Day of School before Christmas Break - 12:30 dismissal
1/4 - School Resumes
1/9 - Kite Day
1/16 - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - No School
1/17-1/19 - School Spirit Week
1/19 - Character Parade and End of 2nd Quarter
1/20 - Teacher Work Day - No School for Students

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a great, short week celebrating Thanksgiving!

Thank you to all the parents who sent or brought in pie today. We really enjoyed eating all of the wonderful variety of pies! :)

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: rejoice, good-bye, point, cool, room, stood, toy, noise, football, enjoy, join, shook, coin, too, they, alike

2. Bible Memory Verse: "Love your enemies. Pray for those who hurt you." Matthew 5:44

3. Our Elementary Christmas Program will be on Friday, December 2nd. Please make sure to sign and return the permission slip as soon as possible so your student will be able to come to the Hall Practice with us. On Friday each student needs to bring a cold home lunch that we can eat in our classroom.  School will be dismissed at 12:30 that day and students will need to be back at the hall by 6:30. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Have a wonderful long weekend! :)

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we finished learning about Making Connections while reading. We practiced with several Thanksgiving themed books!

Writing: We continued working on our fiction writing and talking about Adjectives. On Friday we finished our discussion of Adjectives with an activity where we described popcorn using our five senses.

Math: This week we practiced our two-digit subtraction. We did a subtraction sort to learn about different kinds of subtraction problems. We also learned how to use addition to check our subtraction problems.

Bible: In Bible we started learning about Prayer. We looked through the Bible to learn what prayer is and how we should pray. Then we looked at The Lord's Prayer which is an example Jesus gave to us of how to pray. We learned that we should praise God for who He is and pray about our needs.

Important Information:

1. We will have our Spelling Test and Bible Memory Test on Monday.

2. Next Tuesday is Harvest Day and Pie Day! Throughout the day we will be traveling to the different 1st and 2nd grade classrooms and learning about Thanksgiving. If you would like to come and help us, please send me an email. Here is the schedule for the day:

9:05-9:30 - Session 1
9:35-10:00 - Session 2
10:00-10:15 - Morning Recess
10:15-10:45 - Story Time in Classroom
10:45-11:45 - Lunch and Lunch Recess
11:50-12:15 - Session 3
12:20-12:45 - Session 4
12:45-1:45 - Classroom Time
1:45-2:15 - Chapel
2:20-2:50 - PIE DAY!

3. There will be NO SCHOOL next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday for Thanksgiving Holiday.

4. Our Christmas Program will be on Friday, December 2nd at 7:00 pm. We will be going to the Hall to practice on Thursday and Friday morning. Permission slips were sent home on Friday with each student. Please sign and return those as soon as possible.  DVD Order Forms for the Christmas Program were also sent home. If you would like to order a copy please fill out the form and return it with the money.

On December 2nd, the school day will end at 12:30. We are asking that each student bring a cold home lunch that day as we will be coming back from the hall and eating lunch in our classroom.

Important Dates:
11/22 - Harvest Day and Pie Day
11/23-11/25 - Thanksgiving Holiday - No School
12/2 - Christmas Program and 12:30 dismissal
12/16 - 12:30 Dismissal
12/17-1/3 - Christmas Break - No School

Have a wonderful weekend!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Here's a look at our week:

Reading: This week we continued making connections while reading. We looked for Text-to-Self Connections and also Text-to-World Connections.

Phonics: This week we focused on the long u sound. We also learned about homophones, which are words that sound the same but are spelled differently and have different meaning.

Writing: We continued working on our fiction stories and published our second story!

Math: This week we worked hard on our subtraction with borrowing. We learned three rhymes to help us know what to do when we see a subtraction problem.

More on top? No need to stop!

More on the floor? Go next door and get 10 more!

Number's the same? Zero's the game!

Bible: This week we learned about how Jesus picked His disciples. He wanted them to start being "fishers of people" which means that He wanted them to find people who didn't know about God and tell them about what Jesus did for them. We also learned about how God doesn't want us to worry about things in our life, but trust that He will take care of us.

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: This week we will review some of the words we have already learned. Here are the words for the week:

neighbor, weigh, eight, enough, please, breeze, peace, grown, coat, know, been, December, true, blew, hundred

2. Bible Memory Verse: Give thanks to the Lord, because He is good. His faithful love continues forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34

3. WALKATHON is tomorrow! Registration will start at 8:00 am in the cafeteria and the race will start at 9:00 am.

4. We will be having our 1st and 2nd grade Harvest Day on Tuesday, November 22. Information about the day and the schedule was sent home today. If you are able to come and help out please let me know!

Upcoming Dates:
11/12: Walkathon
11/14: OCSI Holiday - No School
11/22: 1st and 2nd Grade Harvest Day and Pie Day
11/23-11/25: Thanksgiving Holiday - No School
12/2: Christmas Program and 12:30 Dismissal

Have a great weekend!