Friday, 25 September 2015

Reading: This week we focused on Read to Someone and Accuracy strategies.  Our strategy for the week was Flip the Sound and we learned how to flip vowel sounds in words to help us read them. This week we also introduced choice into our Daily 5 time.  The students were allowed to pick Read to Self, Read to Someone, or Writing during Daily 5 time.  They did a great job with all these new options!

Writing: We learned how to Revise, Edit, and Peer Reflect our writing.  On Thursday we spent time reading one another's stories and helping to fix them.  Then on Friday, we published our first writing piece of the year!

Math: In Math we continued to learn about addition and subtraction.  We learned how to use our doubles facts to help us solve other problems.  We also learned about Frame and Arrow problems. Here are the students learning a new Math game:

Bible: Our focus in Bible was on the Kings of Israel.  We learned about David, Solomon, and Rehoboam this week.  Through the story of David we learned how God is more concerned with our heart than with our appearance.  God wants us to have a heart that loves and obeys Him.  We also learned about how Solomon asked God for wisdom and how we can also ask God for wisdom to help us know what is right and wrong.

Important Information:

1. Spelling: Next week we will have our first review test.  This test will be on words from the last 5 lessons that we have studied.  The test will be a multiple choice test where the students have to pick which of the spelling words is not spelled correctly.  A study sheet will be sent home on Monday.

2. Bible Memory Verse: "That kind of person is like a tree that is planted near a stream of water. It always bears its fruit at the right time. Its leaves don't dry up." Psalm 1:3

3. The Scholastic Book Order was sent in today.  The books should be here in a few weeks.

4. PICTURE DAY is this coming MONDAY.  Our time will be at 9:40 (right before morning recess).

5. Behavioral Packets: A packet was sent home with each student today about the rules and expectations for all elementary students, parents, and staff.  Please take some time to read through the packet of information and then sign your name.  Please return the signed part only to school by next Tuesday.  If you have any questions, please let me know.

6. Raz Kids: This week we introduced a new program to help with our reading called Raz Kids.  The students will be using this program in the computer lab and during our Daily 5 time.  Raz Kids allows students to read stories, listen to stories, and take quizzes to earn stars.  Students can and should also use this program at home.  Here are some instructions for accessing Raz Kids at home:

You can access the Raz Kids website by clicking on the link on our class website.  It should take you to a page that looks like this:

In the teacher username box please type in MelisaGuiles.  Make sure that there is no space in between the first and last name.

This is our class page.  Click on the correct student.

Type in the student password. The password is the same as our AR passwords.

This is the main student screen.  Reading Assignment takes them to books that are at their specific reading level.  Flight Check takes them to an assignment that I have given them to do.  Book Room takes them to all the books on the Raz Kids site.

Students can read a book, listen to a book, or take a quiz. 

If you would like to see how your student is doing, click on the parents tab in the upper right hand corner of the screen and it will take you here.  Enter in your email address and I will add it to your student's account.

Have a great weekend!

Saturday, 19 September 2015

Here's what happened in 2.1 this week:

Reading: This week we learned some more about Read to Someone and practiced it together.  The students did a great job of staying quite while reading and Checking for Comprehension with their partner.

Writing: Last week we began writing our first fiction stories and this week we were able to continue working on them.  We focused on giving our story a good ending.  During our Work on Writing time we also continued to build stamina.  We are now able to write for 20 minutes without stopping!

Math: This week we continued our study of addition.  We learned about doubles facts and the +9 shortcut. We used these two strategies to help us solve other addition problems as well.

Bible: Our focus in Bible this week was that God wants our obedience more than anything else we could give Him.  We learned about the people of Israel during the time of the Judges and how they were not obeying God.  However, when they repented and started obeying God He saved them.  We also learned about King Saul and how he disobeyed God's commandment.

Science: We had our first science class this week! This year we will be going to Mr. Fox's room to learn Science.  For the next three weeks we will be learning about electricity!

Field Trip: We had a GREAT time on our Field Trip on Thursday! We enjoyed getting to play at the park and finding many fun sea creatures on the beach.  Thank you to all the parents who were able to join and enjoy the day with us! Here are some pictures from our adventures:

Important Information:

1. Spelling words: gym, city, circle, gone, age, center, giant, space, garden, cycle, square, oval

2. Bible Memory Verse: "Lord, you are good. You are forgiving. You are full of love for all who call out to you." Psalm 86:5

3. Our Scholastic Book Order will close this coming Friday.

4. School Picture Day will be Monday, September 28th.  More information will be sent home next week.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Here's a snapshot of what happened in 2.1 this week:

Reading: We continued to build our stamina during Read to Self time.  On Thursday and Friday we were able to reach our goal of reading for 20 minutes!! In our Read Aloud times we focused on Accuracy and being able to read the words.  We learned how to stretch out a word to help us sound it out.  We also learned how to chunk letters together to sound out words.

Writing: This week we began writing a fiction story.  First we planned our character and setting.  Then we planned our problem and solution.  Today we practiced writing a story as a class and then began our individual stories.  We will continue these next week.

Math: We finished Unit 1 by playing some review games to prepare for our test on Thursday.  We were able to take our test and all the students did a good job! Then today we started Unit 2 on addition by writing addition number stories together.

Bible: This week in Bible we learned about how God helps His people.  We do not need to be afraid because He is always with us and will help us.  Our first story was about Jacob and Esau and how even though they didn't get along, they were able to forgive one another.  We also learned about Joseph.  We saw that even though he didn't understand why bad things were happening to him, he believed and trusted God and God helped him.  We finished the week by learning how God saved His people Israel from Egypt through the 10 plagues.

Social Studies: In Social Studies we finished our maps.  Here are the finished products:

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: smoke, quick, backpack, hike, clock, lake, strike, backstroke, check, ticket, friend, baseball

2. Bible Memory Verse: "What pleases the Lord more? Burnt offerings and sacrifices, or obeying him? It is better to obey than to offer a sacrifice." 1 Samuel 15:22

3. There will be NO SCHOOL next Friday, September 18th.

4. The last day for Scholastic Book Orders will be Friday, September 25th.

5. Our Field Trip to Toguchi Beach will be next Thursday, September 17th.

Home lunchお弁当              Sunscreen 日焼け止め              Hat帽子                Bag/ Backpack鞄      Waterbottle すいとう          Towelタオル
Water-shoes (If you want to wade in the water, you MUST have water shoes)水に入りたければウォーターシューズが必要です。

10:15am - Depart OCSI 学校から出発
10:30am - Arrive at Toguchi and eat lunch. 渡具知に到着とランチ 
11:15am- 1st graders at the beach, 2nd graders on the playground1年生ビーチ、2年生公園*
12:15pm - Switch: 1st graders at the playground, 2nd graders at the beach 交代1年生公園、2年生ビーチ*
1:15pm - Get ready to board the bus back to school バスに乗る準備
1:40pm - Depart Toguchi 渡具知から出発
2:00pm - Arrive back at OCSI  学校到着

Parents: You are welcome to meet us at Toguchi or follow the buses from OCSI. Sorry but parents cannot ride the bus. You are also welcome to take your child home with you after the field trip. PLEASE LET YOUR TEACHER KNOW IF YOU DO.

*If the student does not have water shoes, they cannot go into the water; they must play on the beach. If they do have water shoes, they may go into the water up to their knees - no swimming. Student may wear bathing suit but still must be in dress code. 

Friday, 4 September 2015

We have finished our first five day week in 2nd grade! Our classroom was full of learning this week! Here are some of the things that we did:

In reading we continued to build our Read to Self stamina.  Today we made it to 18 minutes of uninterrupted reading!! We have also been learning how to listen for interesting words while we are reading. The class has picked out some very interesting words from our class read alouds and from their own stories.  We have also practiced our Read to Someone.  We learned how to sit properly and take turns reading.

Through out the week we learned that God always keeps His promises.  In the story of Noah we learned how God promised never to flood the earth again.  In Abraham's story, we learned that God promised to give him a son and did that in a miraculous way.

In Writing, we learned how to plan for writing using a web.  We made a class web about the topic of food.  The next day we took our web and created a writing piece from it.

For Math we studied dollar bills, odd and even numbers, number grids, and greater than/less than. We will have our first Unit test next week.

Social Studies:
This week in Social Studies we learned more about maps.  Then we split into groups and started drawing our own maps!

Important Information:

1. Spelling Words: hidden, grass, hill, stuff, hammer, bless, kitten, ribbon, pizza, cliff, two, Monday

2. Bible Memory Verse: I am the Lord your God. I take hold of your right hand. I say to you, "Do not be afraid. I will help you." Isaiah 41:13

3. There will be NO SCHOOL on MONDAY.

4. Scholastic Book Orders went home this week! If you would like to order please do so online or by sending in US dollars with the order form. Last day to order will be Friday, September 25th.

5. UPCOMING FIELD TRIP: Permission Slips were sent home today for our upcoming field trip to Toguchi Beach on Thursday, September 17th.  Please sign and return the bottom part of both pieces of paper by Friday, September 11.  We hope many of you can join us for some fun on that day!

Have a wonderful long weekend!