Writing: We learned how to Revise, Edit, and Peer Reflect our writing. On Thursday we spent time reading one another's stories and helping to fix them. Then on Friday, we published our first writing piece of the year!
Math: In Math we continued to learn about addition and subtraction. We learned how to use our doubles facts to help us solve other problems. We also learned about Frame and Arrow problems. Here are the students learning a new Math game:
Bible: Our focus in Bible was on the Kings of Israel. We learned about David, Solomon, and Rehoboam this week. Through the story of David we learned how God is more concerned with our heart than with our appearance. God wants us to have a heart that loves and obeys Him. We also learned about how Solomon asked God for wisdom and how we can also ask God for wisdom to help us know what is right and wrong.
Important Information:
1. Spelling: Next week we will have our first review test. This test will be on words from the last 5 lessons that we have studied. The test will be a multiple choice test where the students have to pick which of the spelling words is not spelled correctly. A study sheet will be sent home on Monday.
2. Bible Memory Verse: "That kind of person is like a tree that is planted near a stream of water. It always bears its fruit at the right time. Its leaves don't dry up." Psalm 1:3
3. The Scholastic Book Order was sent in today. The books should be here in a few weeks.
4. PICTURE DAY is this coming MONDAY. Our time will be at 9:40 (right before morning recess).
5. Behavioral Packets: A packet was sent home with each student today about the rules and expectations for all elementary students, parents, and staff. Please take some time to read through the packet of information and then sign your name. Please return the signed part only to school by next Tuesday. If you have any questions, please let me know.
6. Raz Kids: This week we introduced a new program to help with our reading called Raz Kids. The students will be using this program in the computer lab and during our Daily 5 time. Raz Kids allows students to read stories, listen to stories, and take quizzes to earn stars. Students can and should also use this program at home. Here are some instructions for accessing Raz Kids at home:
You can access the Raz Kids website by clicking on the link on our class website. It should take you to a page that looks like this:
In the teacher username box please type in MelisaGuiles. Make sure that there is no space in between the first and last name.
This is our class page. Click on the correct student.
Type in the student password. The password is the same as our AR passwords.
This is the main student screen. Reading Assignment takes them to books that are at their specific reading level. Flight Check takes them to an assignment that I have given them to do. Book Room takes them to all the books on the Raz Kids site.
Students can read a book, listen to a book, or take a quiz.
If you would like to see how your student is doing, click on the parents tab in the upper right hand corner of the screen and it will take you here. Enter in your email address and I will add it to your student's account.
Have a great weekend!