Friday, 24 April 2015

Field Day!

This week was busy with Field Day and Terra Nova preparations!  We took a few practice tests and talked about what to expect on the test days.  The students are excited and a little nervous to start testing next week!

In Writing this week we learned about suffixes.  We studied four different suffixes and how they are used in writing and speaking.  We also each picked a color and wrote Color Poems.  Each student made a list of things that made them think of the color they picked and then added adjectives to each line.  For Math we learned about perimeter, area, and capacity.  We made some Area Robots and also used an experiment to learn about capacity.

In Bible we continued our study of Parables.  We learned about the Parable of the Workers in the Field and the Parable of the Tenants.  We also learned the importance of not complaining or arguing, but instead doing things with a good attitude.

Today we had a wonderful Field Day outside.  The students were able to participate in 10 different athletic events.  They did a great job today and I was so proud to hear them encouraging their classmates in each event! We then enjoyed a picnic lunch and spent the afternoon at the park. Here are some pictures from today's activities:

Important Information for next week:

1. Terra Nova Testing will take place next week on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. The Terra Nova is a standardised test that will provide data on how your student is progressing in comparison to other students in American and International school worldwide. In preparation for these tests please be sure your student:
     - gets 8-10 hours of sleep each night
     - eats a nutritional breakfast before school each morning
     - refrains from extra activities in the evening during testing days
     - brings a light, healthy snack each day such as, one banana, a small baggie of popcorn, dried fruit,
     - is on time for school each day

2. Kid City will take place next Wednesday, April 29th from 11:30-3:00pm.  We are in need of some parents to come and help us run the different stations.  If you are able to come, please return the reply slip that was sent home yesterday to me next week.  Each student needs to bring a small bag/wallet/purse on Wednesday to hold their money and other belongings at Kid City.

3. We are also in need of donations for our Kid City Restaurant.  If you would like to donate, please send them in with your student.

4. There will be no new Spelling words or Bible Memory Verse next week due to Terra Nova.

5. There will be NO SCHOOL on TUESDAY, MAY 5.

6. Parent Observation Day will be Wednesday, May 6th from 2:00-3:00pm.

Have a wonderful and blessed weekend! :)

Friday, 17 April 2015

It was wonderful to see everyone after Spring Break! I enjoyed hearing about all of the fun adventures that the students had over the break! On Monday and Tuesday we had a substitute teacher, Mrs. Collins, in our room.  She did a wonderful job with all the students, but I was glad to be back with them on Wednesday!

In Reading this week we focused on retelling a story.  We learned that there are five important things to include when retelling a story.  These are Characters, Setting, Beginning, Middle, and End.  For Writing, we wrote about our Spring Breaks and we also learned about some common prefixes.  We made a list of some words that had these prefixes and then played a matching game in groups.  The students had to match the prefix to the base word and then find the definition.


For Math we began our unit on measurement.  We practiced measuring things at school and things at home using feet, inches, centimeters, and decimeters.  In Bible we learned about three more parables. We talked about how God wants us to forgive those who have done things against us because He has forgiven us for all of our sins.  This week we also learned about the Post Office for Kid City and practiced writing a postcard.

Important Information:

1. A flyer was sent home today about Kid City.  We are in need of parent help this next Tuesday (21st) from 3pm-4pm in Miss Turner's room.  We will be doing some prep-work for Kid City.  We are also in need of some food donations for our restaurant.  Please see the flyer for exact details.  You can send those in with your students to me. 

2. Elementary Field Day is next Friday (24th).  The students will be participating in different athletic activities in the morning and, if the weather is nice, we will be going to the park after lunch.  Parents are invited to come and spend the day with their student and enjoy the time of being outside together!

3. Terra Nova testing will be April 27-29th. Students are allowed to bring one healthy snack that day to have during the testing time.  Please do not bring chips or sugary snacks. We will be testing the students in Math, Reading, Spelling, Bible, Science, Social Studies, and Vocabulary.

4. Kid City will be April 29th in the afternoon.  A form will be sent home next week requesting parent help on that day.

5. Spelling Words for next week: chore, farmer, corn, orange, harvest, morning, Lord, arms, horses, hard, before, star, store, north, March, important, June, Wednesday

6. Bible Memory Verse for next week: "Do everything without complaining or arguing. Then you will be pure and and without blame." Philippians 4:14-15a

I hope to see many of you tonight at the Family Reading Night in the Cafeteria at 6:30pm.

Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!

Thursday, 2 April 2015

Happy Spring Break!

We had a great week this week as we got ready for Easter and Spring Break! In Math, we finished up Unit 8 on fractions with our test on Wednesday.  For Writing we wrote Diamante poems which are poems in the shape of diamonds.  They include adjectives and verbs to describe the main topic of the poem.  For Bible this week we talked about Jesus' death on the cross for our sins, how He rose again three days later, and how He is now alive forever.

Important Information:

1. There is no school tomorrow for Good Friday.

2. Spring Break is next week. School will resume on Monday, April 13th.

3. Family Reading Night will be April 17th at 6:30 p.m.

4. Elementary Field Day is April 24th.

5. Terra Nova testing will be April 27th-29th.

6. Kid's City is coming up on April 29th. A flyer was sent home last week with some information and more information will be coming soon on how you can be a part of this fun day.

I pray you all have a wonderful and restful break!