Thursday, 26 February 2015

Happy end of February! I hope to see a lot of you tomorrow at the Bazaar!

In Reading this week we started learning about Author's Purpose.  This week we focused on Persuasion and how an author uses their writing to change how we think, act, or feel.  As an example we read some of the Pigeon books which brought lots of laughter and fun too.

In Math this week we practiced our measuring by doing long jumps.  Each student did two jumps while another student measured.  Afterwards we learned how to find the median of a set of numbers.  In Writing this week, we finished our portfolios and started practicing for Student Led Conferences.  I am very excited to have the students share all their hard work next week!  In Bible we learned about Jesus healing a man born blind from birth and a man who was swollen all over his body.  We talked about having faith even when no one else around us does.  Today we also learned about the Bank and what kinds of things we can do there.  We also practice filling out deposit forms and writing our signatures.

Important Announcements:

1. BAZAAR is TOMORROW from 10am-3pm!! Please come and visit our booth and enjoy some shopping!

2.  There will be NO SCHOOL on MONDAY.

3. Next Friday is Student Led Conferences.  Please come at your appointed time and enjoy hearing about the progress that your student has made in 2nd grade!

4. Due to the short week next week, there will be no new spelling words.

5. Bible Memory Verse: "I am the resurrection and the life.  Anyone who believes in me will live even if they die."  John 11:25

Have a wonderful long weekend! Looking forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday! :)

Monday, 23 February 2015

Bazaar Donations

Just a quick reminder that tomorrow (Wednesday) is the last day to make donations for the Bazaar this Saturday! If you would like to donate any items please bring them to OCSI between 8:00am and 3:00pm.  Thank you!

Thursday, 19 February 2015

It was an eventful, short week in 2.1 this week!  It seems that some sickness has been making its way through our classroom.  Please take extra care this weekend! I pray that everyone will be back to good health by Monday and be able to join us!

This week we began working on our Student Led Conference Portfolios.  We have been reflecting on our learning and looking at how we can improve in each subject area.

In Writing this week, we finished our Final Copy of our Ocean Animal Research Papers.  I am so proud of the students' hard work on these papers and I am excited to read them and see what they have learned.  For Math, we started Unit 7 which focuses on patterns.  We were able to learn some new Math games as well to help us practice our Math facts.  In Bible this week we learned about Jesus healing a deaf and mute man and how Jesus feed 4000 people with only 7 loaves of a bread and a few fish.

This week we also began our learning and practice for Kid's City! We studied the Police Station today and learned what kinds of things happen there.  Every week, we will be learning about a new place leading up to our Kid's City in April.  More information will be coming soon about ways that you can help and be involved with this fun 1st and 2nd grade event!

Important information for this week:

1. TOMORROW we will be wrapping Lumpia for our Bazaar food corner in the Teacher's Lounge at 9AM.  Please bring all of the food donations tomorrow so we can make the Lumpia.  Also, if you are able to come and help please do!

2. The Bazaar is next Saturday, February 28th.  If you are able to help out with our booth that day, please email me or Mrs. Ikehara.

3. There will be no school the Monday after the Bazaar (MARCH 2ND)

4. Student-Led Conferences are coming up very soon! A paper was sent home today with each student's assigned time.  Please return those forms by February 28th.  If you need to reschedule your conference for a different time or day please email me.

5. Spelling Words for this week: slide, sprint, smile, swish, scream, squeal, splash, skate, start, snow, score, sport, scene, school, January, from

6. Bible Memory Verse: "I am the light of the world. Anyone who follows me will never walk in darkness. They will have that light. They will have life."  John 8:12

Have a wonderful and restful weekend!! :)

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Happy Valentine's Day! We had a great time celebrating on Friday! Thank you for all of the wonderful Valentine's gifts and love! :)

This week in Spelling we focused on contractions and learned about apostrophes.  In Reading we continued to focus on our comprehension skills.  I have been so impressed with every one's progress in their reading so far this year!  For Writing, we wrote our first draft of our animal research papers.  We learned how to indent each paragraph to help our readers understand the separation of our ideas.  The students also did a great job of revising and editing their work.  They carefully looked through their writing to change repetitive words and also looked for "tired" words that could be replaced by more exciting ones.  Next week, we will peer reflect and write our final copy.  In Math, we learned about multiplication, division, and also reviewed for our Unit 6 Test on Friday.  We were able to play some fun games to help us practice our addition, subtraction, and multiplication.  For Bible, we learned about Jesus feeding 5,000 men and their families from only 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.  We also heard the story of Jesus walking on the water.  We talked about how Jesus gives us spiritual life and provides for all of our needs.

On Friday we took some time to talk about Valentine's Day.  We made Heart Maps to show the people and things that we love.  I enjoyed getting to see all the things that are important to our class and see their creativity.  Here are some pictures of our finished Heart Maps:

Important Information:

1. There is NO SCHOOL on Monday for President's Day.  Enjoy the long weekend!! :)

2. This coming SATURDAY (the 21st) we will be wrapping Lumpia for the Bazaar.  We will meet in the Teacher's Lounge at 9:00am.  If you are contributing any food items for the Lumpia please bring them that day or, if they are non-perishable, you may send them in with your student and I will keep them.  If you are able to come and help us wrap the Lumpia that would also be wonderful! Thank you for all of your hard work and contributions for our Bazaar corner!

3. The Bazaar will be on Saturday, February 28.  There will also be No School the following Monday (March 2nd).  If you have any questions about Bazaar, please email me or Mrs. Ikehara.

4. Student-Led Conferences will take place on Friday, March 6th.  More information will be sent home soon.

5. Our Spelling Words for this week are: close, brave, through, place, crash, clothes, threw, glad, flash, ground, traffic, prize, strange, drive, seen, became

6. Our Bible Memory Verse for this week is: "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John 14:6

Thursday, 5 February 2015

Welcome Makana!

It was another full week in the 2nd grade! We welcomed Makana to our classroom on Monday.  The students have enjoyed having him back at OCSI and in our class!

In Reading this week, we learned how to use pictures and diagrams in books to help us learn what words mean.  We also practiced reading some non-fiction books.  For writing, we started our research projects and spent the week finding information on our different ocean animals.  Next week, we will start putting all our information into a report form.  For Bible, we learned about Jesus healing different people who were sick.  We talked about how Jesus is able to heal people from their sickness and even bring people back from the dead.  On Thursday we studied how Jesus healed a man that had been unable to walk for 38 years.  After Jesus healed him, he told him to go and stop sinning.  We were able to have a great discussion on how Jesus wants to not only heal us, but also wants to help us stop sinning as we grow closer to Him.

In Math, we learned some subtraction strategies and rhymes to help us.  We also looked at arrays and how they are related to multiplication.  The students had fun identifying arrays in our classroom and in their houses.

This week we also had the 1st and 2nd grade Spelling Bee!  We had three contestants from our class who participated: Hideto Ikehara, Steven Ryan, and Shuhei Miyairi.  I was very proud of how each of them studied hard and did their best.  And congratulations to Shuhei Miyairi for earning 1st place!!

Important Announcements:

1. Spelling Words: he's, it's, I'm, I'll, she's, can't, let's, you'll, didn't, they'll, haven't, couldn't, doesn't, wouldn't its, said

2. Bible Memory Verse: Then Jesus said, "I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry. And whoever believes in me will never be thirsty."  John 6:35

3. The Bazaar is quickly approaching! As a 2nd grade, we have been assigned the Lumpia and Drinks booth.  If you are able to help please see the email that was sent by Mrs. Ikehara or contact me.

4. Monday, February 16th will be a No School Day.

Have a wonderful weekend! :)