Thursday, 25 September 2014

Toguchi Beach!!

We had a great short, week in 2.1! We learned about Adjectives and how they make our writing more interesting for the reader.  We also started Reading to Someone and learned how to use different reading strategies to help us become better readers.  In Math, we learned patterns to help us be able to add bigger numbers.  We also started learning the books of the Bible and which go in the Old Testament and which go in the New Testament.

Today, we had a wonderful day at Toguchi Beach!! THANK YOU to all the parents who came out and joined us! The kids really enjoyed playing at the playground and then finding some fun sea creatures in the ocean! We were able to find crabs, sea cucumbers, sea stars, and many other fun animals.

A few updates for next week:

1. This MONDAY is picture day for our class.  If you would like to order pictures, please send the order form and money with your child on Monday.

2. For Spelling this week, we will be reviewing the words from the last five lessons.  They are:
    Lesson 1: ask, best, went, past, stamp, clap, next, ten, sent, band, funny, sister
    Lesson 2: must, puppy, under, contest, will, little, print, lost, block, this, spell, ever
    Lesson 3: hidden, grass, hill, stuff, hammer, bless, kitten, ribbon, pizza, cliff, two, Monday
    Lesson 4: smoke, quick, backpack, hike, clock, lake, strike, backstroke, check, ticket, friend, baseball
    Lesson 5: gym, city, circle, gone, age, centre, giant, space, garden, cycle, square, oval

3. Our Bible Memory Verse for this week is:
    "Instead, he takes delight in the law of the Lord. He thinks about his law day and night. He is like a tree that is planted near a stream of water. It always bears its fruit at the right time." Psalm 1:2-3

I hope you all have a blessed and restful weekend!

Friday, 19 September 2014

This week in 2nd grade:

In Reading, we continued Read to Self and also added Work on Writing.  The students did a wonderful job of reading and writing the whole time.  Next week we will be adding Read to Someone as one of our choices!  In Math we reviewed addition and looked for patterns that will help us add bigger numbers.  In Writing, we went through the writing process and learned how to revise, edit, and peer reflect on our writing.  Today we turned in our first final draft of writing and I can't wait to read them!  In Bible, we learned that even when we make mistakes and sin, God will forgive us if we ask Him too.  We studied how Israel turned away from God, but God continued to love them.

Some reminders for next week:

- There is NO SCHOOL on MONDAY for students.  Have a wonderful long weekend!

- Next FRIDAY is our FIELD TRIP to Taguchi Beach! More information was sent home today in the Friday Folders.  All students need to bring a lunch from home and if they want to go into the water they must have water shoes.  We are excited to have this day to spend together and have fun exploring the wonderful world that God has created! I look forward to seeing many of you there!  If you have any questions please send me an email.

- PICTURE DAY is Monday, September 29th.  Order forms were sent home today in the Friday Folders.  If you would like to order, please send the completed form and money with your student on the 29th.

- Our Spelling words for next week:
      gym, city, circle, gone, age, center, giant, space, garden, cycle, square, oval

- For the next few weeks our Bible Memory Verses will come from Psalm 1 which our theme verse for this year.  This week we will be focusing on verse 1:
      "Blessed is the one who obeys the law of the Lord. He doesn't follow the advice of evil people. He doesn't make a habit of doing what sinners do. He doesn't join those who make fun of the Lord and his law."     Psalm 1:1

Friday, 12 September 2014

It was an exciting week in 2nd grade with many new things happening! In Reading we were able to reach our goal of 20 minutes of independent reading for three days in a row!! We are excited to add another aspect of reading next week for the first time.  In Writing we learned how to write a good beginning and ending to our stories and also about the writing process.  We reviewed the parts of a sentence and had lots of fun creating funny sentences.

In Bible we learned about King Saul and King David.  Through our memory verse, we learned that what God wants most of all from us is obedience to the commands that He has given us.  This week we also had our very first Math test! Next week we will be starting Unit 2.

The Spelling words for next week are:
smoke, quick, backpack, hike, clock, lake, strike, backstroke, check, ticket, friend, baseball

Our Bible Memory Verse for next week is:
"Lord, you are good. You are forgiving. You are full of love for all who call out to you." Psalm 86:5

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, 7 September 2014

It was another great week in the 2nd Grade! This week we continued to work on building our independent reading stamina and made it to 19 MINUTES! We are very proud of this accomplish and the steady progress we have been making every day.  In Bible we learned about how God is always with us and will help us if we ask Him so we do not need to be afraid of anything.  We also continued our Math review of number patterns, coins, and addition.  In Writing, we are learning about the different parts of a story.  This week we planned our character, setting, problem, and solution and next week we will work on putting it all together to make a story.

We also had our first Friday Store today.  The students have been collecting their money everyday and had the opportunity to spend it today for some fun classroom coupons.

Next week we will have our normal Spelling and Bible tests, but we will also have our first Math test over Unit 1. I will send home a review sheet as homework during the week and then we will have our test on Friday, September 12th.

Our Spelling words for this week are:
      hidden, grass, hill, stuff, hammer, bless, kitten, ribbon, pizza, cliff, two, Monday

Our Bible Memory Test for this week is:
     "What pleases the LORD more? Burnt offerings and sacrifices, or obeying him? It is better to obey than to offer a sacrifice."  1 Samuel 15:22

Thank you to all who turned in their Taguchi Beach permission slips! We are very excited for our field trip in a few weeks and to have many of you join us for that fun day! Also, thank you for turning in your Scholastic Book Orders.  The order will be placed soon and I will notify you when the books come in.